Chapter 31 - Old friend

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Lan Minshan. Wei Ying knew that that sly dragon did something to Wen Ning, so much was apparent with his behaviour in the cave. And Wei Ying knew, that whatever plan Xue Yang and Lan Minshan followed, it had something to do with Wen Ning and – and his child.

Silver eyes turned towards the sleeping A-Yuan, who was still silent and slumbering deep. Wen Ning followed his gaze and the downturn of his lips told more than what the fox wanted to know. 


Wei Ying ended up kissing Lan Zhan for a longer time.

And even when they stopped, out of curtesy for Wen Ning at the entrance of the cave and the sleeping Lan Yuan in the older dragon's lap, Wei Ying couldn't help but steal kisses away. Not that Lan Zhan truly minded.

The fox could actually see his mouth corners tug upwards in little twitches, something that made Wei Ying's chest puff out in proudness. He himself brought that slight smile onto the others lips and that from his own!

Needless to say, Lan Zhan did stop him at some point. By a hand that was gently leaning the other against the wall.


"Lan Zhan, I can rest in your arms, can't I?"

With the confidence that the older dragon did not stop his advances, Wei Ying grew more shameless from one second to the next. He would love to place himself within those strong arms, A-Yuan with them, and simply rest.

"Wei Ying and A-Yuan will be uncomfortable", he hummed, slowly pressing down on Wei Ying's shoulder again. At first, the fox wanted to say something playful against that, but the hour was late, Lan Zhan was exhausted and it was probably long after his usual bedtime. It showed in the dropping of his eyelids, only a little way, but it was enough to notice.

And so, Wei Ying caved in. But he didn't want to be the only one comfortable besides A-Yuan. The cave around them was still harsh and cold, no real cushion. The outer robe underneath Wei Ying's body was only helping from keeping the dust from himself. His silver eyes gazed over to Lan Zhan, whose eyes snapped open fully as their gazes met. A-Yuan shifted on the dragon's lap.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, my fur must be dirty too", he hummed, his ears raising on his head and seven tails moving behind him, "Will you help me clean it? Yeah? And tomorrow we can see if some emperors smile is still left, hm?"

He tried to make his grin one of the biggest. It was worth the soft look he took in regard and Lan Zhan hummed in agreement. He probably hadn't seen him in his fox form for a real moment. Their embrace in their true beast form was the only thing that would be worth mentioning.

It was no surprise that Lan Zhan was fixated on the changes of the fox, as he grew and grew in size, filling half of the entrance of the cave. As a sly fox he had a slim body, but it was huge with seven tails.

Wei Ying felt almost ashamed by the stare of those golden eyes, when his fur was not sparkling and soft from the dry patches of blood on it. However, with how Lan Zhan looked at him, he would have believed the most beautiful deity stood before him.

One hand raised itself towards Wei Ying's jaw and he nuzzled against it, pushing his nose against the skin and licking the hand once. The urge to groom pushed to the surface, to clean his own fur, his child and the dirt from Lan Zhan's clothing. Only with his willpower he resisted with the latter. Someone as dignified as Lan Zhan would surely decline.

As promised, the older dragon helped him groom his fur. Wei Ying himself with his tongue and Lan Zhan with the wet pieces of cloth. It took half an hour until Wei Ying deemed it beautiful enough for his satisfaction and in that time, Lan Zhan hunched forward just so slightly. Thankfully, his wounds were well taken care of, not bleeding anymore. They were uncomfortable, yes, but they would heal more easily in this natural form.

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