Chapter 20 - Hope

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When Wei Yings feet touched the ground, he almost fell forward, but held himself up. He needed some time to breathe through it, opening his eyes only seconds later.

He found himself standing at the end of the long stairs, building up to the majestic building. It was just as splendid as the gold of the Jins robes. Gold littered almost every corner, shining in the sun that broke through at random intervals. The sky was covered with a heavy set of clouds, looking as if it could rain at any moment. 


His whole body felt sore.

Wei Yings sleep had been a mix of deep sleep for an hour and awaking at every possible second.

It was a particularly frustrating ordeal, especially because his eyelids burned with the tired feeling and the dark bags underneath his eyes were always seen by Lan Zhan. The person that seemed to frown every second he saw them.

At least little A-Yuan was well and happy. He had bounced over the whole bed, jumping up and down as he was well rested that morning. At least then the fox had a reason to awake and truly stay awake through the morning.

With a dramatic gasp he had realized that Lan Zhan was already awake and dressed, a steaming bowl of rice and vegetables placed next to the esteemed cultivator on the table. Paired with a heavenly red powder that looked suspiciously spicy. The dragon was reading a book, although his eyes strayed once he realized Wei Ying was awake.

From where he got the steaming breakfast or if Jiang Cheng really approved of it, he had no idea.

And so, he simply sat down next to the Lan, a bright smile on his face.

"Lan Zhan, what a surprise! A whole steaming and good smelling breakfast. Is this for me? Did you get this for me? Did you already eat?"

Lan Zhan only returned his gaze. It dropped to the dragon child as his slender fingers shoved a bowl filled with vegetables towards it and the same dove in for the meal. The dragon body almost vanished in the huge bowl, the vegetables moving and shivering between the embrace of deep red scales.

"Eat", Lan Zhan only said as Wei Ying laughed at his child, a certain glimmer in these golden eyes.

As it turned out, the Lan had already eaten before. But he stayed with them as they dove into the meal and even longer to listen to Wei Yings ever consistent rambling. Not long after, there was a knock on the wood of the door. The waterfall of words immediately stopped.

"Wangji, master Wei. May I step in?"

It was Lan Xichen and Wei Ying had the sudden urge to jump up and flee. He did no such thing and kept his ground, although his legs shifted from left to right and even A-Yuan realized his distress, settling in the foxes lap.

Lan Zhan hummed and his elder brother took that as their answer. The door was pushed to the side and there stood Lan Xichen, elegant as ever. A golden butterfly sat on his shoulder, flapping its wings in slow intervals.

He stepped in, his face serious and Wei Ying already knew what would be said.

"I received an answer from Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue. There will be a meeting of every clan leader regarding the Yiling Patriarch in Koi Tower. We must departure swiftly."

Wei Yings hands turned into fists. The morning started well, not talking about his restless and strange sleep. With him, his child and Lan Zhan talking and playing. But of course, he should remind himself not to hope.

Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan shared a much saying eye contact, but Wei Ying ignored it in favor of his child. His hands gently took him, holding just next to the little head and tail and the tiny body stretched long, his little claws widening as he whined in content.

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