Chapter 51 - Glare

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"Contain yourself", the Jin clan leader spoke up to the dragon behind him, his back straight and confident, "I won't judge too early. We will need to make sure that you, fox, are truthful before we show you every card we have."

It was only through huge restrain that Wei Ying stopped himself and didn't glance over towards Lan Zhan. Instead, he watched Xue Yang's grin widen tremendously, something that made him lean more towards Lan Zhan's body right next to him.

A sudden rush of panic shot down his spine. 


Wei Ying abhorred that grin that was currently widening on Xue Yang's face.

The moment he took his child and nephew from him was still fresh in his mind, still bleeding like a fresh wound. But he would do anything in his power to close it – and to get them back.

"It's me who already wondered if you didn't want us around. Couldn't have picked a humbler place, hm? Or why not something even more glamorous, Koi Tower for example", Wei Ying hummed under his breath, his fingers coming up to rub his chin.

The grin on Xue Yang's face vanished a little, an annoyed glint returning into his eyes, but he was quick to catch himself.

"I'm not the one who makes these decisions. Or Lotus Pier would have already burned to the ground."

Immediately, every ounce of the little threatening grin vanished off Wei Ying's face. Instead, he needed to hold himself back to not burn the other into the ground, a fact that amused the five tailed fox to no ends. Because he wouldn't succeed in this situation.

Only when Lan Zhan stepped forward, next to Wei Ying, did he calm down a little.

"Anyway, now that we have pleasantly exchanged our greetings, why don't we head inside together?", Xue Yang sang and clapped his hands once, standing up on the top of the gates, "You both are long awaited guests after all!"

With his five tails slipping in the wind, the quick movements revealing the happy energy, Xue Yang stepped aside on the wall. In response to the resentful energy being controlled by his fingertips, the wooden door began to open itself.

An eerie feeling filled Wei Ying as the wood pushed itself to each side. The energy of the Yin Tiger Tally was filling the whole space so much that he could taste it, but with Lan Zhan behind him, the seven tailed fox went forward.

Just like the wooden doors had suggested, what they found was a courtyard with a temple that looked old, but well kept. The night was dark, but the moon and stars were enough to let them see what was happening there.

Xue Yang was quick to jump next to them the moment they stepped inside. However, he was not the only one present. Some Jin soldiers were scattered around the place, the golden robes on their body not really subtle and made sure that no outsider would accidentally or not accidentally find their way inside.

The entrance doors of the wooden temple stood wide open and through the light of countless candles inside, the statue of a goddess was smiling at them in her silent dream. It was almost scary in the flicker of the candles around her, how her stone cheeks were not moving an inch. In the daylight, she would surely be a beauty, but right now Wei Ying would give everything to step away from her.

"Now, first let me make sure that you have what we want, right?"

The annoying question came out of Xue Yang's mouth and Wei Ying wanted to throw up.

His silver eyes were icy as they came to rest on the other fox's grin, a truly gross expression in the face of what he actually demanded of him.

"You think we would find you here without him?"

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