Chapter 13 - Shadows above

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Another cry. And Wei Ying felt the sheer panic within the words. His head snapped upwards and his legs almost jumped, wanting to run out of the room. His child was in danger, he could feel it.

He looked back towards the Jin, still lying unconscious on the ground.

His soul was torn into two.



His mind shuddered.



A voice. Something called for him. He felt the pull within his soul. A thin red bond, shimmering within the darkness. He wanted to touch it, but found his body too heavy to comply. The string moved into music. Into a sound. Into words.

There were hands on his arms, pressure on his knees and legs. Something – no – someone held him up. Wind cut his cheeks. They felt hot but cold, his skin stretched and throbbed, felt sticky and damp.

His loose hair was brushing just above his eyes, which he tried to open.


Something tugged at his soul. Someone, someone tugged at his soul. He could hear and he had the immediate urge to open his eyes. He needed to open his eyes. Now!

It took almost every energy out of him, but he managed to move his eyelids. What he saw made him freeze.

With his head hanging low, he had a perfect view of the border towards Yunmeng, down and further down under him. An endless landscape. The hands on his arms and the swords beneath his legs were the only thing that kept him from falling to his death.

From falling down, down, into the darkness, into-

His breathing was fast and strong as his silver eyes rose up, only to land on a purple back. No, a red one. Purple, red, red, everything was dark and red.


He passed out.

Everything was dark around him for a long time. Swallowing him. Hundreds of hands were tugging at him, coldness sweeping over. His shoulder started to throb, only to feel a chill running along it. The stinging sensation made him more aware.


"...He will..."

His ears couldn't seem to focus, until one voice drowned out every other.

"Bandage him. I don't want him to die of an infection before we place a trial on him."

His eyelids were too heavy to lift. But he felt the uncomfortable feeling of sticky, damp robes rubbing against his skin. They were lifted out of the way and a deep breath filled his lungs as the bandages on his shoulder were peeled away. It stung and he felt someone dig around in his wound.

Wounds. Not just his shoulder.

He felt hot and cold at the same time.


Who was calling for him?

Before he had an answer, his consciousness drifted away. Even though he wanted to stay awake, he was partially glad not to feel the weight and stinging of his wounds. And so, he floated within the blissful ocean of nothingness.


An explosion woke him.

He was whirled around, right into the wall. Every air left his lungs as he crashed against it and his eyes flew open as his body met the ground. There was a ringing in his ears, high pitched. Did he bleed? He didn't know. He didn't want to know.

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