Chapter 17 - Twin souls

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"A-Yuan!", Wei Ying called and instantly enclosed the dragon in his hands once again. However, his focus now laid elsewhere. And with that he almost missed the slash aiming for his chest, the sharp tip of a sword moving directly for his heart.

A flash of white blinded him, moving past him as quick as a shooting star. There was a loud clang of metal and Wei Ying instantly turned, his silver eyes growing large.

Lon dark hair was caught up in the movement and whirled around. Woven into the hair was a white forehead ribbon and a shiny silver blade, blue covering its handle. The man had his back to the fox, but his mind instantly jumped towards a conclusion.

"Lan Zhan!", Wei Ying jelled in his glee, a huge smile growing on his face.


The door opened with a crash.

It was a heavy door, smashing into the stonewall behind it. The sound echoed through the whole dark room and made the fox flinch and look up. The light that was pooling from outside almost hurt his eyes and he closed them repeatedly against it.

The silhouette within the doorway was dark, but Wei Ying could recognize it anywhere.

A-Yuan had been sleeping within his robes until now and flinched violently. He just settled down an hour ago and was still exhausted with everything that happened. The tiny dragon moved, claws digging into the skin underneath. Wei Ying held him even more against himself, closing his robes as much as he could to not let any of the red dragon slip out.

Purple eyes looked at him, huge and so out of their mind that the fox almost crawled back a bit. So unhinged, full of rage and unbelieving. It didn't move any other way.

It was a shock for the fox, after three days of isolation. He was given water and rice every day, to what he thought would be consistent times. More than he was accustomed to. But he always gave half of it to the tiny dragon child, because he needed it more than the old spirit.

The dungeon was dark. Only sometimes did the candles from outside shine light into it, when the door opened and soldiers pushed his food through. Wei Ying never got any mention of what was happening up there. If Lotus Pier was rebuilding itself steadily, how much damage there was, if the Lans arrived-

Did Lan Zhan arrive?

But every time he thought about it, he shook his head in a no. He would have been dragged up into the destroyed mess a long time ago.

The days were slow and blurred into long when all he did was sleeping, eating and taking care of his son. He was seconds away from sharing the resentful energy that was resting in his bones, but so soon after his explosion and rampage he didn't trust himself to do so.

Wei Yings body was still frail and shaking from too much exhaustion, especially when he tried to meditate and seek the damage in his body.

And in just such a moment the door had opened. Revealing a purple Zidian crackling in the hand of Sandu Shengshou, a man that looked so ridiculously full of rage that several hairs slipped out of his topnotch.

"How can you still be here?!", he hissed, his one hand clenching on Zidian.

Now, Wei Ying did crawl back.

Only because he faced the sect leader with his chest, the exact place where his son was cuddled up so warm against. The fox didn't dare to turn even a little away from the man in purple. Jiang Cheng looked like he wanted to jump at his throat, looked like he would do it within one second of weakness.

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