Chapter 15 - Rage

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"Mama! Hurts!"

That did it.

A growl pressed itself out of his throat, deep and full of rage. Resentful energy gathered around him, being torn between the artifact that summoned it and the seven tailed being. He called out to it once more, even stronger than before.


He couldn't move.

He couldn't react.

His eyes were focused on that tiny string of red, so heavily engulfed by that clawed hand. A clawed hand that could very well rip his child – his child! – to pieces. It would be as easy as breathing air.

Wei Ying knew better than every other how sharp those claws could get. That with just the right intention they could cut the skin and scales there, ripping them open until the red didn't only come from its outer appearance.

It would be dripping down, down, down, onto the floor.

It would build a pool of blood.

A chuckle reached his ears. Wei Yings silver eyes flashed from red to red, from the red of warmth to the red of amused eyes. Long, stubborn hair was gathered in a messy ponytail as two cutting eyes focused on him. Dark black robes covered a slim body; only a dark blue pouch stood out against his hip.

"What a pathetic man you are! I always thought the Yiling Patriarch to be strong, huge and mighty", came a voice dripping with sarcasm. The other fox looked at him curiously, until a huge grin spread onto his face. "However, you do seem pretty vicious. At least you seem to still have your power over resentful energy."

Wei Yings hands twitched, claws already as long and sharp as they could get. His pupils closed in, red as the blood that was pumping through his veins.

He was livid.

"Mama!", he heard the cry of the dragon in his head. A chirp rang through the room, which drew the red eyes of the amused fox in front of him. His hand squeezed down, making the dragon squirm and move in his hold.

"What a fun pet you have here! Although you should discipline it. It bites", he said with glee.

Wei Ying was still staring at the hand engulfing his son.

But not for long.

One push of his legs and he was surging forward, his sharp teeth bared in his rage. A laugh filled the room as the other fox dodged the sharp claws aiming for his throat, trying to kill him as fast and clean as possible.

A-Yuan was still in his grip, trying to get out of the painful hold, but it was fruitless. His whines and chirps were overshadowed by the gleeful laugh of his captivator, who was dancing away from Wei Yings attacks.

"Maybe you're better than I thought for your age!", he called. The room spun as Wei Ying jumped away, a shrill whistle cutting the air. Instantly red foxfire appeared beside him and finally, now his enemy took him a little more seriously.

As the fire raged around him, the heat was making his skin sweat. Wei Ying didn't care. Even when fire met the walls, the furniture and everything else, except the person he wanted to burn.

He didn't even have a mind to care for the burning paper and the smell of smoke. All his mind registered was the helpless whine of his son and that cruel grin slowly stretching on that face again.

"You'll need to do better than this!", the other fox said.

One flame came up behind him and burned the long sleeve of the others clothes, making him hiss. The grin was slowly pushed from his face, an annoyed grimace taking its place as he was chased around the room.

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