Chapter 45 - Two brothers

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"This story again?", the clan leader returned, but the hand that was holding Zidian slowly retreated back down, "Fox beside fox within Yunmeng, like I could have guessed. But why should I believe you?"

"Because Lotus Pier can't burn again."

A heavy silence remained there between them, settling into the space like a thick liquid. Both brothers looked at each other in a silent battle, one that Wei Ying would not back out of this time. 



The word was spat out. It was apparent that Jiang Cheng had thought about actually addressing him right now, or simply turning to Jin Ling like he used to do before. But maybe it was more of a shock to actually see him in the heart of Lotus Pier, right in front of him.

As the tea was put safely on the table, Jiang Cheng turned towards them. The scenery in front of him reminded Wei Ying of how the both of them would always run around, while their Shijie sat at this table and drank her tea, watching them with a content look on her face.

It was strange to see his younger brother here now, in the place their elder sister liked to occupy. But the fox could not fault him for that. Maybe he too would sit here had he had the chance to feel closer to her.

Jiang Cheng was alone right here. Right in front of the Lotus Lake, where the flowers bloomed in the warm water. That was when Wei Ying's mind stopped for a second, because wasn't he talking to someone just before?

However, he had no time to really think about it.

"Jin Ling. How dare you bring them here, to this place?!"

The clan leader looked absolutely furious. Even though he became better in concealing that feeling in the last years, Wei Ying knew him almost better than anyone else. In the face of such a dark gaze, Jin Ling was fidgeting in his place and actually dropping into a bow, all to maybe appease and calm his uncle.

"Uncle, I –"

"Do you even know who you brought here?!", the tiger spirit grew louder in his shout, his purple eyes glowing in the heavy emotion that coated the air, "That fox was not enough, but that man also?! A phoenix in Lotus Pier?!"

Jin Ling turned around in a motion that resembled a thunder. There was no sound, but his shocked eyes that rested on Wen Ning were enough to tell them everything about his thoughts. It was enough to let Wen Ning shrink into himself, a truly horrible display and Wei Ying actually leaned more towards him to attract some of those eyes.

"Don't you dare protect that thing even now!", Jiang Cheng parked and a purple spark flew up his arm, right from the ring on his finger. Instantly, Wei Ying stopped moving, but now he was caged in between the gaze of Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling.

"You're a phoenix?", the young man hushed under his breath. With the horrific look on his face the golden boy took a step back into the direction of his uncle, eyes still on the helpless Wen Ning.

"Young master Jin", the phoenix spoke up, but Jin Ling was quick to grab the handle of his sword.

"Don't say a word!", he called out with a hiss, while Jiang Cheng stepped up to be by his side.

As the tiger spirit came nearer, little A-Yuan, who turned back into his dragon form for safety, retreated around Wen Ning's chest. With a loud hiss he made clear that he didn't want the clan leader to come even nearer. Such a distressed sound was not something Wei Ying wanted to hear from him and he remembered that the little one only had bad experiences with him in the past.

Wen Ning closed his mouth as soon as the words were shouted and brought his eyes down to look at his feet.

"Here you are, directly bringing the fox and a phoenix here. At least I can directly handle them here. However, should anything happen to her, its your responsibility. Remember that", Jiang Cheng said while his purple eyes were still on the other spirits present.

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