Chapter 11 - A child of gold

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"Stop following me around", he shouted, legs already fastening their steps. Not that it would stop Wei Ying. "You annoying man!"

The pout on Wei Yings face was a real one.

"Aiyah, such harsh words towards your elders", he responded, already catching up to the Jin again, "What is such a young master even doing within the burial mounds? Have you lost your way?"

"That doesn't concern you", the Jin answered immediately. Something flared within his brown eyes. "What are you even doing here?"


Wei Ying shouldn't have said that.

He definitely shouldn't have said that.

But alas, his mouth had been faster than his brain once again. Something that brought him more troubles than he can count.

"What did you just say?", the junior repeated, sword already at the right angle to strike. The fox was actually putting his hands up, a surprised look on his face.

"Are you alright, young master?"

"I just asked you a question", the other barked, already surging forward. Wei Ying dodged in just the right moment, even when his arm stung. "How can you dare it, you dirty savage?"

The frustration of the young man made the air heavy and even the shameless Wei Ying felt something like remorse. There were many things he wanted to ask, but he needed to concentrate on the pure rage he was faced with.

First, the Jin was dangerous, even to an old fox like him. Double, because he needed to protect his chest, where his son was exceptionally still. Trible, because of his injured and – most likely – infected wound.

"Young master, calm down! We can talk about everything", he said. A-Yuan was fidgeting within his robes then, feeling the rapidly beating heart of his mother. But with these brown eyes of the Jin on himself, Wei Ying couldn't calm the child down like he always did.

Slashes came from every angle and he needed to dodge swiftly. It had been long since he fought a cultivator, especially someone that united fighting styles of the Jiang and Jin sect. His brain switched between the different stances constantly, but after a few seconds he simply allowed himself to react.

It was his brain that constantly shifted. He knew that sword somewhere. Alarm bells rang within his head, the familiar blade swishing next to his long hair. He needed to be careful with it.

Wei Yings body knew what to do and whirled around, something that frustrated the Jin to no ends.

"Stay still!", he shouted until the rage and frustration made him stop, lungs heaving with fast breaths. The fox was still standing on both of his feet, a concerned look on his face.

It seemed that he had hurt the junior with what he had said. What did he even say? He couldn't even remember anymore.

After the little fight they had, his brain forgot the words that even caused it.

Either way, silver eyes watched the junior try to catch himself. The sheen of sweat on his forehead was apparent, his flushed face red with the exhaustion and the shame of not catching the fox.

Wei Ying suspected that the junior was indeed a young master. He was very good with the blade for his age. Combining different fighting styles, especially ones as different as the Jiang and Jin style, needed a talented hand.

What the Jin lacked in experience he made up in ability, even though Wei Ying was a whole other threat to deal with. He was at least thrice as hold as the youngster and it showed.

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