Chapter 59 - Rest

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"Well, maybe those spring books indeed helped in that case", Wei Ying shamelessly whispered right towards the younger eagle, something that made the other snort undignified. Before Nie Mingjue could speak up and ask them about which things they were planning now, the door behind Wei Ying opened.

"Wei Ying", Lan Zhan said and Wei Ying was quick to turn around on his heel, grinning like he was the most innocent person on earth. However, those red earlobes and that reprimanding look was enough to let him know that his words have not gone unheard. 


Wei Ying slept the whole way towards Cloud Recesses.

And Lan Zhan carried him in his arms while he stood on his sword, not an ounce of weakness in his stance. It was absolutely shocking what strength that man possessed, especially towards Wei Ying. Not even his past self, the one with a golden core, would be able to match that!

He wouldn't complain though. Lan Zhan's arms were warm and secure, a perfect place to rest for him. The sounds around him, especially when they arrived in Cloud Recesses, were testing his patience though. Everyone was so awake and he was so tired that even the silent Cloud Recesses was getting on his nerves.

Somewhere in the distance there was the voice of old man Lan Qiren. It was almost as loud as back when the old man had broken the rules to yell at him in the classroom. Back then, Wei Ying had laughed about it. Right now, he laid his ears back to escape the words that bombarded him and Lan Zhan, words he didn't care for and so didn't focus on. They only grew louder as Lan Zhan whispered something, hopefully to quiet him.

Especially as hushed whispers grew louder around them as well, following with quick footsteps as Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue arrived with them. At least the old man was shocked enough to turn away from them in concern for his seemingly injured other nephew.

"We are almost in the Jingshi", Lan Zhan had said as he simply walked away from the scene, his voice so deliciously soft that it had lulled Wei Ying back into a calm state. And indeed, they arrived shortly later, because Lan Zhan never said anything but the truth.

Wei Ying's heart grew full. Knowing he was his priority right now, that the dragon trusted others to take care of his elder brother for and simply stay by his side was everything he could have ever wished for.

Feeling the bed underneath his body was absolute heaven, especially as Lan Zhan peeled the old robes from his body and left him in his last fabric. A-Yuan had curled all around him, searching for his body warmth and Wei Ying truly couldn't complain.

Except when Lan Zhan's touch was gone for a few minutes, the sound of rustling echoing around him, minutes he forced himself to stay awake – because that was just annoying. Did his love just leave him here like this?

It ended with all seven of his tails reaching from the bed, trying to crawl around the air and find the warmth he was missing.

He found it only short moments after, a warm hand slipping around one of his tails and then, a body settling right next to him.

Wei Ying took his chance immediately.

As soon as Lan Zhan had laid down, he was snuggling up right beside him. With A-Yuan curling next to the fox on Lan Zhan's body, Wei Ying was able to listen to the strong heartbeat underneath his ears.

"Rest", the dragon hummed and the deep tone gently shook the warm chest underneath, something that tickled a little hum from the fox. And even though the sun must have been up in the sky still, he simply followed Lan Zhan's words like a lifeline.

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