Chapter 30 - ... is what the heart beats for.

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The realisation came just as quick and slapped him like a boulder in the face, only to settle him like the moment he swam in the middle of Lotus Pier's lakes in the warm summer sun.

It was incredible that his breath hatched only for a second, until they proceeded as normal. Everything was normal, he realized. His lungs were breathing, his heart was pounding in a steady and fast rhythm and he loved Lan Zhan. 


Wei Ying's robes were full of snot and tears, but he still held A-Yuan tight in his grip.

The little one finally calmed down after fifteen minutes and blankly fell asleep in his mothers' arms once he did, not that the fox minded. It was apparent that the dragon child was exhausted from the last days or maybe even the last weeks.

Those round and plump cheeks of the boy were stained by dried tears, a flushing pink that spoke of his recent breakdown. However, now he remained relaxed within Wei Ying's arms. A-Yuan had settled so perfectly against him that the fox was almost moved to tears that instant. Again.

The wounds on Wei Ying's body stung and he was sure that his robes were covered in his own blood too, but the tiny dragon seemed too exhausted to really realize it. But two others did.

It was a such a heavenly feeling to finally have his son back in his arms that the fox forgot about his own wounds that were left behind. However, he felt one flare up really quickly. One that was placed almost directly on his shoulder, as a big and warm hand landed on it.

A hiss escaped him as the pain travelled across his shoulder and the hand instantly lessened the pressure, travelling to a place on his arm that was safe. A-Yuan thankfully didn't wake, but everyone knew that not even an earthquake or rumbling thunder could have woken him.

"Wei Ying", came the soft voice of Lan Zhan behind him and Wei Ying's arms tightened around his son.

"Give me a minute."


It was a soft hum, but the gently pressure of Lan Zhan's hand didn't lessen. Instead, the dragon kneeled down towards their level to rest his own eyes on the sleeping child. Such a proud gaze, filled with warmth and relief that it made Wei Ying stare at it like he stared at the stars in the nightsky.

Maybe it was because his own body was weak, but he slowly leaned into the touch of the dragon. What followed the hand on his arm was a forearm on his back and lastly, he laid right within the arms of the second Jade of Gusu.

Lan Zhan had the opportunity to pull away. Wei Ying made incredibly sure of that in the slow way he shifted his weight towards him. The fox expected him to slip away a little, wary of this intruder in his space, but he did the exact opposite. His arms adjusted around him until the fox was fairly embraced and A-Yuan was safely squished and cuddled between them.

Within their embrace, they almost forgot the last of their group.

Wen Ning was shifting left to right in tiny movements, clearly not knowing what to do exactly. He settled on turning around, showing them his back to bear privacy and stare attentively into the dark of the forest around them.

The sun was setting in the orange sky and the first stars appeared on darkening horizon. Lonely clouds travelled there and shoved themselves in front and away from the full moon.

After some time, the old dragon began to gently nudge the fox in his arms.

Wei Ying was on the brink of falling asleep in that moment, safe within the embrace of Lan Zhan. Exhaustion made itself known within his limbs, but he willed himself to wake by his name rolling off Lan Zhan's lips.

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