Chapter 41 - Together

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"Aiyah, Wen Ning! Don't say something like that! I'm feeling alright, I promise!"

The look he got from Lan Zhan shut him up immediately.

To say that the dragon was pissed was an understatement.



A sweet voice, full of unconcealed yearning called out into the night.

It came from inside the Jingshi, just as the moon stated to rise into the sky, unseen and concealed by thick clouds. Rain was slowly rippling from the sky in a leisurely pattern and the sound travelled from the puddles outside right through the open window inside.

Another call, for the same person, but it was hushed by another voice.

None other than A-Yuan, who was sitting on his father's lap, could have made such a ruckus at such a time and such a place. His antlers and scales were littering his skin in a bright red, now that he was safe in his home. At this point, he was enjoying the touch of Lan Zhan, who made it his task to gently comb through his tousled hair and sort out the leaves sitting there from his time playing and exploring.

It was late evening and almost the time for every Lan to slip into the comforting blankets of their bed. But the young dragon remained, waiting for his mother, just like he had the days prior.

His father was the same as him, even though he would have more work waiting for him after his son was asleep. But this time, this task, was something he did every evening since the time Lan XIchen departured.

Even though countless tasks remained on his plate after his elder brother left four days ago, Lan Zhan pushed the thought into the back of his mind. It drifted back to more important things. His son, who was sitting so comfortably in front, and Wei Ying.

The same Wei Ying who had been away until very late at night in the last days, tirelessly looking for any sort of clue to solve the problem with the phoenix flame. At first, the dragon was proud of him to be so focused on something. To be so caring, diligently loving that he got to work almost instantly after having the permission to use the library.

But loosing himself within his studies to the point that neither Lan Zhan, who admittedly had enough work to keep himself busy for most of the time, nor their son had seen him for more than a minute. That was not something he could have anticipated.

How Wei Ying shut himself within the library, closed off from anything else.

The first day, it came and went. So quick that Lan Zhan did not even realize the time and so quickly that he didn't think much about the absence of his lover.

The second day, it came and went. Slower this time, because shouldn't he see his lover in the morning at breakfast? Or lunch? Or at least in the evening, getting ready for bed?

The third day, it came and went, and there was still no real glance of his lover.

After Lan Xichen had left to seek out Jin Guangyao, Lan Zhan's own responsibilities often kept him up until late following bedtime. Only when he succeeded in working to his satisfaction was he able to really seek out Wei Ying. Wishes of holding him, speaking to him and seeing him laugh resurfaced like he was hit by a boulder, only to find the fox lost in the books, so exhausted that he passed out right on the table.

Lan Zhan carried him back to bed since the second day. Today was the fourth and his patience was running thin. He knew very well that breaks were needed, to sleep, to eat, to take care of himself and others.

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