Chapter 47 - The beginning of the end

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As soon as he saw it, Wei Ying's heart jumped in panic. Behind him were Wen Ning and Jin Ling. It would strike them in his place if he moved away. Thankfully, an icy stream of water dispersed it with contact, but that didn't stop the five tailed fox from shooting towards Wei Ying to drag him onto the ice.

"How can you dare it!", Xue Yang shouted in an outraged cry as Wei Ying slide across the surface, his arms securely protecting A-Yuan around his chest. 



His Shijie?

What was he talking about?

The still mumbling Jin Ling tried to press himself up onto his red and bleeding arms, but the grip of the fox was like stone. He did not let him budge, not even a little. Every muscle in his body was tense and felt like it was on fire in the same breath as every thought at once crashed into Wei Ying's mind.

At least the curse seemed to be silent. Waiting for the command of its master.

Another roar tore from Jiang Cheng's throat. Lightning danced over his fur in incredible motions and lighted the grey world, covered in clouds. Even in the rain coming down from the sky, Xue Yang's grin was obvious on his lips.

"That's right", he said and the mere sound of it made Wei Ying's stomach turn, "It's time you get some manners and welcome your guest properly."

The whole air and atmosphere around them were heavy. Tense from the electric energy that crawled through every free space. And thick from the emotion coating every inch of the lake and pier.

Wei Ying was still floating outside of his body. Like he was simply existing, simply numb, empty and full at the same time. Every cell in him became nothing as only one person was roaming around in his soul.

His Shijie.

He saw her, covered by blood and dying in front of him. He was the reason she was bleeding out. He was the reason she was there in the first place.

He saw her chest move. He saw it slow down.

But never stop.

He lost his mind before that.

Every word of Xue Yang was washed out of his head as his silver eyes started to travel down. The lotus flowers were still blooming beautifully and seemed to glow a little despite the grey of the rain. One flower in particular drew his gaze. It was not as spotless as the others, not as perfect or glowing, but it was so soft and beautiful in its own way.

"Shijie", he whispered under his breath. And that was when the first tears travelled down his cheeks.

A little chirp reached his ears after everything seemed like it drowned in the whole chaos of his feelings.

>Mama, don't cry<, A-Yuan whispered into his mind. The little rough tongue licked the tears from his cheeks as the little snout pressed itself close in a motion to console him. It surely was a very courageous thing to slither out of the robes that kept him hidden and cuddle against Wei Ying's neck.

It helped.

One hand of his came up and pressed the little head of the dragon child further against his cheek. With a choked sob, Wei Ying allowed himself to bury his face within the smooth, red scales of the red being around them. They were warm and full of life.

"Master Wei", came the soft voice from the phoenix next to him.

Through all this chaos within him, the burning wing still held him tight and protected. Even Jin Ling, who was still in his lab, seemed to lean his head closer to his body in a silent whisper.

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