Chapter 52 - Cold

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"I think we may begin now", he said with a still polite voice, but it was enough to let Lan Xichen pull his face away from his direction, something the brown eyes followed for a second, "Master Wei, if you would please accompany us?"

Lan Zhan's arms around him tightened in return and even Wei Ying was looking as perplex as each of their little group must have felt right now. 


Xue Yang had the impossible ability to appear wherever he shouldn't.

Especially in Wei Ying's and Lan Zhan's case.

As the seven tailed fox whirled around, right towards the smirking Xue Yang, Lan Zhan was quick to move directly to his side. Even without his spiritual energy, he was a force to be reckoned with. A force that was nothing in the face of the Yin Tiger Tally, but Wei Ying felt safe by his side regardless.

Not that it impressed Xue Yang in any way.

"What do you want to do, poke me with that stick?", the five tailed fox taunted, "First that clan leader of yours and now his little brother. What a coincidence, hm?"

With a side glance, Wei Ying saw Lan Xichen bowing his head just a little in shame.

"But that does not matter now", Xue Yang continued, "Hand over that flame willingly or I'll take it from your cold hands."


He needed a little more time.

And maybe, just maybe, he could get a little bit more information from that crazed man.

"From my cold hands? Are you so sure about that?", Wei Ying questioned back, straightening himself with a coy smile that oozed of self-confidence, almost tipping into arrogance, "I'm the Yiling Patriarch. I was the one that created that toy you've got there."

"And who's the one that actually got it now?"

Xue Yang's mouth corners were twitching slightly, but he couldn't help but turn them into another smirk. His hand dove into his outer robe, right over his chest and quickly fetched the half of the amulet.

Silver and gold eyes followed his every move.

The amulet was definitely not complete, only one half laying there. But with a quick gaze towards Lan Minshan, the dragon that was currently talking to Jin Guangyao in front of the array, he quickly knew who was in possession of the other half.

"Do you see this?", the five tailed fox went on, "Can you feel how much power this thing gained after everything I've done? It's disappointing that you, it's creator, never went and saw how much further you can go with it. I can command ghosts and corpses, creatures of the night with only one motion of my hand!"

The Yin Tiger Tally was hovering over Xue Yang's hand, the resentful energy oozing off it.

Not even in his past was it this filled to the brim with the cries of the innocent, horrendous voices that started to echo in Wei Ying's head. Men, women and children, none were kept alive by the hands of the five tailed fox in his search to gain and gain even more.

All the destruction, all the lives that were lost in the attacks around the cultivational world –it was all the work of the five tailed fox that stood in front of him.

He had fed every little ounce of resentful energy, every little resentful being into the Yin Tiger Tally. With how much black energy oozed from it in the form of black mist, Xue Yang had done so deliberately.

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