Chapter 61 - Family

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"Do you want to stay here, with your father? In this clan?"

Finally, recognition flashed in A-Yuan's eyes and he quickly nodded, a bright grin on his face.

"Yes! Stay with papa and mama!"

Lan Qiren was still hesitant in accepting the young boy just like that. He was part Wen after all, a spirit that was more than dangerous to him and many others, an enemy of war. But Lan Xichen was quick to nod as well, then he turned towards Lan Zhan, not giving the elder room to speak.


"Mama! Mama, look! A butterfly!"

"Yes, yes! Go get it! Go!"

A-Yuan wouldn't let himself be told twice. With a speed that would challenge anyone for a good race, his little legs catapulted himself straight over the green grass to the butterfly in the sky.

Wei Ying snickered and grinned as the sounds of little legs running across the grass echoed in his ears, paired with the delighted laughter and squeals.

Three days came and went and with it, A-Yuan and Wen Ning had regained some of their energy level back. Still not enough to truly say they were alright, but enough to make the little radish ignore every advice the older, boring Lan were telling him to go and follow a butterfly.

At first, Wei Ying thought the red noodle would change back and treat the insect like a snack for the afternoon, but all the lessons of Lan Zhan seemed stuck in the little boy's head. Eating flesh was prohibited here and now that A-Yuan was old enough to survive without it, he needed to follow that rule as well.

To the dismay of Wei Ying.

"Do not run too fast. You will fall", Lan Zhan hummed in a gentle tone as he watched the little dragon run around, then follow the butterfly into his direction. The insect seemed to sense that the older dragon was like a boulder and fled behind it, successfully causing A-Yuan to stop right in front of the feet of the elder.

"But the butterfly!"

"You are scaring it. Respect every life here, as small as it may seem."

Although A-Yuan pouted, he seemed to listen to the words of the other. Something that made Wei Ying gape like so many times before. Was that something of Lan Zhan's superpower? Simply telling him something and he would listen?

And how could Wei Ying learn it?

Either way, as A-Yuan demanded his father to take him into his arms so that he may watch a particularly lively bird in the tree, a demand Lan Zhan followed without complaint, Wei Ying was already fidgeting in his place.

Today was the day where both of them would visit Lan Xichen to officially adopt A-Yuan as their son. And naturally, Lan Qiren would attend as well.

In the rules of the Lan, it was originally required to discuss his own place here as well, but everyone knew that he would be staying regardless. Especially Lan Xichen. But not for Lan Qiren. That old man was still avoiding him like the plague, but Wei Ying would rather go fight every clan again than to leave his family here. And he would fight against every try to kick him out.

Although the clan leader was still succumbed to grieve and has secluded himself in his personal quarters, Lan Zhan had been successful in visiting him, bidding him to adopt A-Yuan into their clan to protect him from any problems in the future.

Once almost loosing him was enough.

"Papa! Look! Babies!"


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