Chapter 38 - Fear

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After a couple of minutes of simply remaining, where even Wei Ying's tails began to soothe across Lan Zhan's back, a deep exhale warmed his shoulder.

"Never again", was whispered against his shoulder, right until a nose brushed against his neck and brought goosebumps across Wei Ying's skin, "Never again."


You really are an idiot.

A little grumble echoed inside Wei Ying's head – or was it his dream? He himself was not even sure. Everything was dark around him, complete silence around him least for the person in his head.

I really should have guessed that you won't learn anything.

A deep sigh, from the voice of a woman that echoed in his ears. Such annoyance, hidden behind it such deep affection – he knew that voice. Knew it very well.

There was a cool touch on his forehead, a hand that placed itself there, just to rest.

>To get a fever right now, tch. Do I always need to keep watch over you? You really outdid yourself again. <

Wen Qing. It was Wen Qing.

With that realisation, Wei Ying's whole body relaxed and his overheated head leaned into the cool touch on his forehead. He wanted to open his eyes, but the soft scolding voice stopped him from exactly that. It was so familiar still, so he sought contact even more.

>How should you protect them when you're like this? You fool, just like in the past. It's not only Wen Ning who needs your help now. <

Even though that scolding tone was harsh, a deep warm and familiar feeling filled Wei Ying's chest. He wanted to try and reach his hand out, but nothing worked. No muscles, no bones, only the heat and the sweat on his skin that dripped from his cheek. Another sigh.

>You won't listen to me anyway. But be more careful the next time you do something so dangerous. You nearly lost yourself there. <

The cool hand drifted over his overheated skin, seemingly wiping some of the sweat from his forehead and temples. What a careful and loving gesture, Wei Ying thought, so different to the harsh tone of his good friend.

>That old dragon needs you now. Don't make him wait too long. And that boy you've adopted. I hope you still remember what I told you about the second life of a phoenix? Particularly the start? <

When the hand wanted to slip down his cheek and loose itself into nothingness, Wei Ying's head automatically leaned into the direction it wanted to vanish in. Wen Qing seemingly took the hint and placed the hand back on his aching forehead.

>Really, still such a child. Remember, to whatever the fire clings onto, you can guide it back from it. Yin and Yan are both sides of the same, especially within a phoenix, do you understand? But you need to be familiar with both. <

Cool skin. A cooling touch, just the right temperature.

>Usually, our elder would have done it. But after no one of us but the one you need to help is left, I can only bid you. <

Slender fingers ran over his forehead and pushed some sweaty hair strands out of the way. They were a little rough at their tips, but Wei Ying enjoyed it anyway.

>You have Yin energy. Enough of that, but the other one – you know what happened to it. It seems I need another favour of you. I didn't want to send you back to him, but you're the only one who could do this. Make sure to wash his head while you're at it and yours right in tow. <

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