Chapter 63 - Uncertainty

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Wei Ying pressed his lips together, because the other was right.

His mind was too occupied for the whole day. Not just this day, but the last as well.

Since the two of them began to train the synchronising of their energies, Wei Ying's mind just couldn't concentrate. Wei Ying didn't truly know what caused him to be like that and honestly, he began to feel a little frustrated as well. 


"Wei Wuxian."

"Wei Wuxian."

"Wei Wuxian!"

A loud voice shoved him out of his thoughts. The shock made him lean back heavily, until he fell from his sitting position onto his back with wide eyes. His ears rang, his heart stopped and suddenly he grew conscious of his surroundings.

Of the cloudy sky just above him, the soft sound of the movements of the lake water, the wind blowing through the wooden pavilion they occupied.

A man in purple moved into his eyesight and stared him down, his eyebrows tugged together and his mouth in a deep scowl. Jiang Cheng looked truly frustrated and annoyed, more so than normal. Only then did Wei Ying hurriedly sat up and recovered his composure just as quickly.

"Are you finally back from your dreamland?!", the tiger growled and stabbed him with his harsh, purple eyes. If he would be able to spy fire, Wei Ying would have been coal by now.

"What do you mean? We were supposed to concentrate on our inner qi", Wei Ying responded with a little annoyance as well.

"We were supposed to. All would have been fine if you had actually done that", Jiang Cheng hissed as his hands gripped his knees tightly, sitting cross legged in front of the fox, "I've tried calling you idiot for five minutes because you were doing anything but that!"

Wei Ying huffed; his pride obviously hurt.

"We're already at since this morning. It's not bad when my mind slipped away once!"

"Are you fucking with me?!", the tiger howled and got to his feet, an angry red coating his cheeks, "You're not concentrating since this morning! I've overlooked it for too many times than I can fucking count and you're still thinking about anything else!"

Wei Ying pressed his lips together, because the other was right.

His mind was too occupied for the whole day. Not just this day, but the last as well.

Since the two of them began to train the synchronising of their energies, Wei Ying's mind just couldn't concentrate. Wei Ying didn't truly know what caused him to be like that and honestly, he began to feel a little frustrated as well.

Wen Ning and A-Yuan needed to live their own lives, without needing to rely on each other to do just that. And he was sitting here and didn't have any success to make that happen.

"You were the one to ask me for help and now, when you truly get it, you're spacing out like you're drunk", the man in purple said, sparks of annoyance already travelling over his fist.

Wei Ying met the furious eyes of the other and huffed, his own arms already crossed.

"As if I could ever get drunk. And I'm thankful for your help, Jiang Cheng. Maybe I just have some starting issues? It has been long since I worked with that core."

Jiang Cheng grew even redder. He looked like he would explode again, the vein on his neck bulging, but then he caught himself.

"You know what?", Jiang Cheng's voice cut through his frustration, "You're not even listening to me now. We're at it for two days without any fucking result. Get your fucking mind straight before you come crawling back to me. I have better and more important things to do than wasting my time."

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