Chapter 28 - Thread of red

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When one man would transform into such a huge creature, no one would believe it at first. Even the phoenix of the Wen clan couldn't keep up with that size; only the immortal Wen Ruohan was able to surpass it by maybe an inch.

However, now Wei Ying had no doubt that this was, in fact, his Lan Zhan.

And so, a sudden glee filled his chest. To finally see this majestic form of his friend in its full glory was truly a sight to behold and even more beautiful than he had imagined!

"Lan Zhan!", he jelled up, waving his arms in a little in a way to get the attention of the dragon. He did not need to. Lan Zhan had been looking at him for the whole time. 


Jin soldiers were still hurrying around the place, trying to organize different groups that would look for the intruder.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan for their part were still in the courtyard, where the fox fumed silently and the dragon summoned one of the spirit butterflies to inform his brother about the recent development.

There was still a commotion around them, mostly from the Nie soldiers and Nie Huisang. The younger brother did not dare to leave Nie Mingjue's side, to the dismay of the healers that tried to safe his life and calm the raging of qi in his body.

Only with Jin Guangyao's and the healer's persuasion did they succeed in transferring him into the healers' rooms. However, Nie Huisang was still shaking like a leaf, dried tear streaks on his cheeks. He looked like he went to hell and back, something that honestly wasn't that far off in that situation.

"Hanguang-jun", he called out, hastily running towards both of them and clinging onto the dragon's prestige robes, "Hanguang-jun, play for him, I beg you. Please, Lan Minshan is not here yet. I don't know where he is. He was here this morning, so just stay here until then, yes? Yes?"

It was almost pathetic, really. With the second master of the Nie clan clinging onto Lan Zhan's sleeve, looking at him with a crazed desperation. Those huge, green eyes met gold, but the dragon stayed calm. Even though it was slow, he gently pried off Nie Huisang's hands that left the material underneath them rumpled.

"When did you last see him?", Lan Zhan asked, his eyes serious. Wei Ying instantly listened into the conversation. He had a bad feeling in his stomach area.

"I don't know! This morning. After breakfast maybe. Listen, he's surely just on the stroll and will be here shortly. Please stay so long, alright?"

Again, Lan Zhan needed to gently remove the clutching hands of the Nie. He shot Wei Ying one of his looks and the same instantly understood to what he was hinting.

With four tokens in total, only one would be left. The token of the Nie clan. And Lan Minshan just so happened to be a Lan, a dragon, that had been apparently playing for Nie Mingjue for all these months.

"Go to your brother. His qi is stable enough to be taken care of", Lan Zhan said, even though Nie Huisang franticly shook his head. In the end, it took three other Nie soldiers to get Nie Huisang off him and back towards the healer's, who would have another brother to take care of for now.

"Lan Zhan", said Wei Ying, his voice strained with still barely contained rage. It was not directed to him, definitely not, but the fox fumed from what had happened just underneath their nose, "We need to go. Immediately."

The dragon only nodded at that, while Wei Ying made some air by cursing underneath his breath.

"If only Lan Xichen hadn't left him here. I told everyone that it was a stupid idea, that it was not safe here. Now look at this mess! Everything just because he couldn't accept that it was better to bring him along. Or bring him to Cloud Recess for all I care!"

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