Chapter 7: Troll hoard

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*short chapter*

Salacia POV

I got myself out of my sack and stood helping some of the others off the stick over the fire after putting the fire out. "That was awesome Salacia!" I heard Kili behind me. I knew Kili and Fili where standing side by side behind me. I swung around slapping them both with the back of my hand. "Agh! Why'd ye do that lass!?!" Fili asked. "You guys abandoned me. What the actual hell?" I asked crossing my arms. "We went back for help!" Kili argued. "Ha, yeah sure, whatever." I said turning. "No!!!" I heard them run after me. I focused my energy and formed a bubble around myself...they ran directly into it, knocking themselves down on the ground. I snickered and looked at Gandalf. "Where did you go if I may ask?" Thorin asked Gandalf. "To look ahead," Gandalf said. "What brought you back?" Thorin asked. "Looking behind, nasty buisness, still they are all in one piece." Gandalf replied. I crossed my arms and grinned. "No thanks to your burglar and apprentice." Thorin said. "He had the nous to play for time. None of the rest of you thought of that." Gandalf said. "And I would have done something but Gandalf didn't allow me to use my magic while He was gone." I said. Thorin rolled his eyes and nodded. We all walked down to the troll statues, "They must have come down from the Ettenmoors." I said examining them. "Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south?" Thorin asked. I shrugged and looked at Gandalf. "Oh, not for an age, not since a darker power ruled these lands." Gandalf said. "They could not have moved in daylight." I said. Thorin shot a handsome grin at me. Then there must be a cave nearby." He said. I smiled, "yay! Troll caves always have really cool stuff!" I said. Thorin smiled and nodded.

As we got closer and I gagged. "Haha you aren't gonna throw up again are you?" Kili joked. I glared, "I swear I'll hex you." I threatened. "You will do no such thing!!!" Gandalf yelled from ahead. "I was kidding!" I defended as we entered the cave. "Agh, what is that stench?!?" Nori gasped. "It is a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch." Gandalf said. "Imma touch everything." I said as I walked deeper in. I heard Gandalf sigh. I walked in past some f them who where looking at a chest of gold. "If seems a shame just to leave it lyin around... Anyone could take it." Bofur said. "Agreed...Nori, get a shovel." Gloin said. I grinned and shook my head. "Hey Salacia! Come here!" I heard Fili call. I looked and saw him down in the bottom. I jogged down and stopped beside him, "what are these?" He asked. I looked at what he was gesturing too and smiled. "Their moon stones!" I said picking some up. ((Picture on the right))"Their amazing for cosmic meditation." I said pulling a small empty pouch out and putting them inside, all twelve. "You should teach me some meditation some time." Fili said. I was shocked and blushed slightly. "Y-yeah...sure!" I said looking up at him. I looked at his beard braids with the small beads handing. I giggled and flicked one of them. He smirked and shook his head while taking my hands. "Now why would you do that?" He said laughing. "Well I mean their there! They not?" I asked smiling. He smiled at me, suddenly Kili dropped down behind me. "Hey Salacia~ check this out." He said holding up a necklace sporting an opal jewel and gold((picture on the left)). "'s so beautiful!" I said hooking it around my neck and pulling my hair out. It accented my chest beautifully. "I knew it would look beautiful on you~." Kili cooed looking at me admiringly. "Salacia!! Fili, Kili!!!Come on!!" We heard Thorin yell. I managed my way up some rocks, feeling Fili's hand on my back or waist once or twice as well as Kili. I noticed them shooting glares at eachOther. We excited the cave just in time to hear someone coming, quickly. "Something's coming!" Thorin yelled and pulling me back against him. "Gandalf-" I heard Bilbo say but was cut off by my master. "Stay together!! Hurry now! Arm yourselves!!!" Gandalf yelled. I summoned fire balls in my hands, awaiting what was coming my way anxiously.

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