Chapter 23: Abandoned

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Thorin PoV

I was drug back to the dungeons and shoved back in. As they closed the door I went to the bars angrily. "Did he offer you a deal?" Balin asked. "He did. I told him he could go 'Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu!'" I spat. I heard Balin sigh. "Well then, that's it...a deal was our only hope." He said. "Not our only ho- where's Salacia?" I asked as I turned and saw no girl sleeping in the cell. "Oh, she went off to look for Bilbo." Bofur said. "What?! How long ago?! How did she get out?" I asked furiously. "The lass is put that together." Bofur said. I growled, honestly irritated from her leaving. "Has she been back?" I asked. I asked, only receiving shaken heads. 'Damnit Salacia...' I thought. "Well...Bilbo is still out there, as well as Salacia...we can't give up hope." Fili said, I nodded in agreement.

Salacia PoV

I sprinted through the halls and slid in and out of sight. It was exhilarating to feel my magic pulsing through me, I usually had to keep it locked up...but now I didn't!! Though one problem remained...I only know how to use and control a small fraction of my magic...I had no idea what I was capable of. I listened intensely for nearby elves, though heard none. I looked ahead of me to see a small back exit that was lightly guarded...though four elves versus me? Ha, I'd love to see what kind of fight they put up. I smirked and began walking directly towards them, no invisibility, looking at though I was completely defenseless...but let's be honestly, when is Salacia Astraea ever defenseless? "You! Stop!" One said noticing me. I smiled and continued on. They pulled their arrows and took aim. "Stop or we will be forced to fire!" They yelled. As soon as I didn't stop, they fired. I swished my hand to the side, creating a wave of electricity and before they could blink, their arrows dissolved on contact. "Wh-what are y-" I cut the elf off as I quickly swished my hands before creating a fist, making strong roots come from the wall behind them, I twirled my fingers making it twist and wrap around the elven guards before they where completely immobilized, dangling. "Hah, "hang" around~ I'm sure someone will find you guys!" I laughed before running out of the small back gate. My feet hit the forest flood in a full sprint into the forest. "Shimirel!!!" I yelled as I continued running, jumping and ducking under obsicals. "Damnit are you really going to make me say the chant?!" I groaned. "IN THIS GREAT TIME OF NEED, I PLEA, PLEASE COME TO ME!!" I yelled, my hair begun to glow in shimmering light. Before I could think suddenly the strong body of my trusted spirit was running beside me. I smiled and reached up, grabbing around her beck before swinging myself up. "We need to find Gandalf, I have an aching feeling in my chest that something's gone wrong." I said as she sprinted forwards. Suddenly, I looked ahead and saw a mass of spiders crawling towards up. I felt fear rise in my stomach and into my fingertips as I shot my hand forwards, shooting a split of lightly, disintegrating them, making us a take off pash through the trees. "Spread your wings, fly with the the current of the wind!" I said as she took off through the trees and into the air. "We must reach Gandalf as quickly as possible." I whispered to myself.

I had never felt Shimirel fly so fast in my entire life. Though I noticed Shimirel going to a different area, one that I had not been in. I suddenly felt a familiar warm energy near by. "Fly lower." I said. She dove down under the clouds and I saw we where nearing what looked like ruins, though what I noticed was Radagast's rabbits running towards them. "Radagast?" I whispered as she glided silently, following the old wizard. We followed him until he would have seen Shimirel for sure. Once he got off his sleigh Shimirel disappeared and I snuck closely behind him. I followed him quietly realizing that we where at the High Fells, I personally was wanting to see his reasoning for being here. I followed him carefully as we made our way through a dark sketchy tunnel. Suddenly I noticed ahead of him was a tall grey haired wizard...thank goodness he was alright. Suddenly some birds shot out of a tunnel infront of him, he turned and yelped seeing Radagast. "Oh! It's you!" Gandalf said. "Why am I here, Gandalf?" Radagast asked. "Trust me Radagast, I would not have called you here without reason." Gandalf said. I held myself against a wall, trying to keep hidden. Though for a short period of time they didn't speak. "I fear we are not alone..." Gandalf said. I felt them looking towards me, though I was masked by darkness. "This is not a nice place to meet Gandalf." Radagast said. " is not." Gandalf said. I followed them closely behind as they searched the cavern. "Theses are dark spells, Gandalf. Old, and full of hate. Who was buried here?" Radagast asked. I could feel the dark magic pulsing against my skin. "If he had a name, it's long since been lost. He would have been known only as a servant of evil. One of a number. One of nine." Gandalf said before he illuminated the tunnel with his staff and they made their way out past me, I held my breath, making myself invisible a meer few seconds before they would have seen me. "Why now, Gandalf? I don't understand." Radagast said. I followed closely behind. "The Ringwraiths have been summoned to Dol Guldur." Gandalf said. Radagast shook his head. "But it cannot be the Necromancer. A human sorcerer could not summon such evil." Radagast protested. Gandalf looked back at him. "Who said it was human?" He asked. Radagast stopped abruptly. "The Nine only answer to one master. We've been blind, Radagast, and in our blindness, the Enemy has returned." Gandalf said. " can we vanquish such a power?! Who on earth could fight such a dark magic?" Radagast asked. Gandalf raised his eyebrows. "The only one who's magic...can bare, overpower, and may very well demolish it." Gandalf said. " can't mean...she's so young!" Radagast said. I felt my heart freeze...they can't mean me can they?! "Yes...she is...however without Salacia's magic I'm not sure what we would do. He is summoning his servants. Azog the Defiler is no ordinary hunter. He is a commander, a commander of legions. The enemy is preparing for war. It will begin in the east. His mind is set upon that mountain." Gandalf said. I shook my head. Suddenly Gandalf began to walk away. "Where are you going?!" Radagast asked. "To rejoin the others, I can't leave Salacia on her own." He said. "W-wait!!!" I said running out into view. "Salacia!!!??!!" They both yelled. "L-lady Galadriel told me to come and make sure you where okay..." I said. "Wh...are you alright?" Gandalf asked. "What you said....about me?" I asked looking at the ground. "My dear...this is not the time." Gandalf said. "B-but! When will be the ti-" I started, "another time!" He snapped. I looked at Radagast with a worried face, then back to Gandalf. We began walking once again and I couldn't help but feel what felt like hands wrapping around my middle...but nothing was least I think.

Thorin POV

"She's abandoned us!!!! She would have been back by now!!" Dwalin yelled slamming against the cell door. "No! She wouldn't do that!" Fili argued. I growled under my breath...where was she? "I'll wager the sun is on its must be nearly dawn." Bofur said. "We're never going to reach the mountain are we?" Ori asked. I was about to respond...before out of nowhere Bilbo appeared. "Not stuck in here your not." He said holding up the cell keys. "Bilbo!" Balin said. "Bilbo, where's Salacia?" I asked as he unlocked my door. He gave me an uncomfortable look before avoiding my gaze. "Bilbo!" I snapped. "Shh! There are guards nearby!" He snapped back. "L-look....I saw Salacia...leave." He said. "What?" I asked furrowing my brows. "You mean leave Mirkwood?" Kili asked. "Yes...I watched her, with my own eyes, tie up four Elven soldiers with large vines before running out of the back gate of Mirkwood!" He said. "I can't believe this..." I said. "That dirty rat!!" Dwalin growled. "Now wait a minute! She would not have left us without reason! Do not be so quick to jump to conclusions." Balin said. "Aye...Salacia wouldn't do that..." Fili said. I growled and turned to my nephew. "Oh and what do you know about Salacia?! Absolutely nothing! So bite your tongue!" I snapped before turning to Bilbo. "Do you know a way out of here halfling?" I spat. "Y-yes...I do. However you will all need to stay very quiet." He said before sneaking off, the rest of us close behind.

'I can't believe her...'


HEY! Short chapter, I am so sorry about the delay on this chapter....or any of my other stories, I will be updating my stories as fast as possible, I've been very busy lately but I will be paying attention to my stories once again.


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