Chapter 20: Stupid forest

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Salacia POV

I held onto Bofurs waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. Every now and then I glanced ahead at Thorin...his muscular back and arms...damn. I could see how his muscles flexed as the horse ran. I looked at how strong his legs where as they held on tightly, and his features where serious and focused. "Lass your drooling on my shoulder..." I heard Bofur say. I panicked and wiped my mouth, as well as the tiny puddle on his coat. "S-sorry..." I said. "It's alright, you aren't the first lass to practically drool over Thorin....or literally in your case." He said. "Who else was there?" I asked. "Oh, well, he did have a woman before Smaug attacked, beautiful woman. Her name was Fey." He said. "Fey?" I asked. Bofur nodded, "what I thinks funny is Thorin was head over heels for the lass. Though we can all tell he's the same way about you...he just shows it a different way." Bofur said. "Oh..." I said quietly. "What's weird is your absolutely nothing like the woman he used to go after." He said. "What's different?" I asked. "Oh well, first of all...your ages. Your a lot younger than him, he usually went for woman only about two or one year younger. You two however have a 93 year age gap, you being 102 An all." Bofur said. "Hold up, how did you know I'm 102?! And how old is Thorin?!?? Holy shit 93 years???!" I asked. He laughed, "I asked Gandalf. Your a youngster lassie." He said. I rolled my eyes, "I'm old enough to drink, that's all that matters." I said with a grin. "Aye, for two years?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Whatever, how old is Thorin?" I asked. "Well what's 102 plus 93?" Bofur asked. I scowled, "Bofur, there are many many things I can do...however math is not one of them." I said. He laughed and shook his head. "He's 195." He said. My eyes widened, "I mean...I always liked older guys but damn..." I said. Bofur laughed, "Thorin is still young in Dwarf standards. Well...middle aged." He said. "Hah alright, anyways, what else is different?" I asked. "Well, your loud, sarcastic, you aren't afraid to fight, you aren't afraid to fight back against him...which he really isn't used to." Bofur said. I smirked, "not many people can be rude to me and get away with it." I said with a laugh. "Aye, though I've noticed him looking at you a lot today...something going on there?" He asked. "Pft. Like that's your buisness." I said. "Oh, says the girl who came sliding to Bilbo and I on her knees in the middle of the night asking if we where together." He laughed. I smirked, "well I needed to kkknnnooowww." I said. Suddenly Bofur reached back and pinched my knee making me yelp. All the dwarves turned around just as he put his hand back where it came from. "Salacia is something wrong??" Thorin yelled from the front of the group. "No! No! I just...thought...I saw...a worm." I said. They all sighed and turned around. "You are such an ass!" I said slapping Bofurs arm. "Tell me lass! I won't breath a word." He said. "Fine..yes...Thorin and I are together." I said. "That's lovely lass! You'll be good for him." He said. "Hm? Why's that. I thought I was very different from the woman he usually goes for." I said. "Aye, but all those woman where boring and snobby. Thorin gets a kick out of having such a fun, rambunctious, free spirited girl around...we all do actually." He said. I smiled and hugged the lovable dwarf, "awe~ thanks Bofur." I said giggling. I looked to my right and saw Bilbo looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "My intentions are friendship only!!" I said hugging him tightly and laughing. Bilbo smiled and shook his head. I let go and looked forward only to frown seeing as we where approaching the elven gate. "Great..." I muttered. I could already feel the sick, diseased energy coming out of it. We all stopped and dismounted. "The Elven Gate." Gandalf said. I sighed, "the gate to hell." I mumbled under my breath. "Here lies our path through Mirkwood." Gandalf said. "No sign of Orcs, we have luck on our side." Dwalin said. I grinned, I had put a protection spell around all of us, it seemed to be working. "Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf said. Suddenly Bilbo came to my side, "This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" He asked. "Barkin up the wrong tree Bilbo. I want to go a different way." I said. I turned to Gandalf, "is there honestly no way around it?" I asked. "Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south." He said. "Great." I muttered following him. I looked at him, he seemed distant. "Something the matt-" I cut myself off with a gasp as he ripped away some branches off an elven statue covering a mark...a red eyes. I screamed and scrambled away out of the forest. I ran past the company and right towards Thorin, hiding behind him. "W-what's wrong?!" He asked somewhat irritated. Before I could reply Gandalf came running out. "Not my horse! I need it!!" He yelled. "Wh-where are you going??" I asked. "You're not leaving us?" Bilbo asked. "I would not do this unless I had to." He said. I nodded, "that is true." I said. He looked at Bilbo, "You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire." Gandalf said. I looked at Bilbo. "He looks like the same hobbit to me..." I said quietly "oh...wait...never mind I get what you mean." I said covering my mouth. Gandalf looked at me with a "seriously?" Look. "I'm gonna go over there..." I said walking past Bilbo and Gandalf towards Dwalin and Thorin. "Where is he going?" Dwalin asked. "I have no idea." I said. Gandalf called out to me, I turned and gave my attention to him. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." He said to The company and I. I nodded. "Thorin, I know this will be against your wishes but while in this forest I wish for Salacia to be in charge. She will lead you right." He said. Thorin looked at me and nodded, "alright." He said. "I'll protect them Gandalf, don't worry. Anything in there tries to touch a single hair on their heads I'll cut its head off." I said with a smirk. I saw him look hard at Thorin, "This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray." He said. "Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo asked. "It means, Mr. Baggins, that the air in this forest is basically lead you to your death." I said. "You must stay on the path; do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again." Gandalf said as he mounted his horse. Thorin turned to me. "Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." He said. I nodded. "Okay everyone, I need you all to stay close to me...this forest is disgusting, unsettling...and creepy...and saying something coming from me." I said before I turned and led the company into King Blondies domain.

What felt like had been hours went by. "The path goes that way." I said, a ball of bright light in my palm, lighting our way. Thorin followed closely behind me, followed by the rest of them. "This way." Dwalin said. We followed down the path. My forehead was sweaty and my body was heated. "Air...I need air..." Bofur said. I agreed with him but couldn't find the strength to reply at the moment. "My head feels like it's spinning..." I said. Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder, "is there anything you need?" They asked, I turned and looked at Thorin. I grinned and shook my head. "If I am correct...there should be a bridge near here." I said. "How far off?" Dwalin asked. "Um...I don't know, shouldn't be too far." I said.

We walked a little whiles longer looking for that damned bridge. All of us split up slightly. In no time I heard Kili call out, "We found the bridge!" He said. We all approached it to see that it had been cut off, leaving a large gap in the middle. "We can try and swim it." Bofur said. "Didn't you hear what Gandalf said? A dark magic lies upon this forest." Thorin said. "He's right. These waters are enchanted..." I said. "Doesn't look very enchanting to me..." Bofur said. I giggled and nodded, "yeah it ain't the prettiest." I agreed. "We must find another way across." Thorin said. I frowned and looked at the foggy water. 'Mahal Thranduil...why don't you take care of your forest?' I snapped in my head. I looked over my shoulder and saw Fili looking at some hanging vines. "These vines look strong enough." He said. "Fili! We send the lightest first." Thorin said, they all looked at Bilbo and I. "Who's lighter?" Bofur asked. "What's your weight?" I asked him. "144" he said. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "damnit." I muttered walking towards the vine. "What's your weight lass?" Bofur asked. "102," I said pushing around the dwarves in my way. "102?! Is that healthy?" Kili asked. "No idea, now move." I said irritated. I climbed up and stepped up onto the vine, the dwarves standing behind me if I fall. I quickly pulled my hair up to a tight bun. "Alright..." I said breathing steadily before calmly beginning to walk. "This seems easy en- AGH" I shrieked as I fell upside down while trying to get to a different vibe. My head dangling above the water. "Everything's...fine..." I said reaching for another vine. As I reached I clung to the one vine with my feet, leaving me face to face with the water. I stared at it, my reflection. I felt my eyes begin to feel heavy before I shook my head and looked away "GO AWAY WATER NOONE LIKES YOU!" I yelled. "What lass?" Bofur asked. "Nothing. Nothing...this's stupid." I said. I pulled myself back up and weaving around vines before jumping to the other side. I panted and stood, "alright, send Bilbo over!!" I said.
I watched Bilbo struggle just as much as I did...though more. "Come on Bilbo! Your almost there." I said. He yelped and jumped to the other side. I planned a hand on his back while he shook his head. " is not right here...." He said. I nodded, "I know." I said. "Stay where you are!" I yelled turning around only to see all of them trying to climb over, failing. "Guys!!!" I yelled. I watched at Bombur then looked as though he was about to fall asleep. I shrieked, scared he would fall into the water and touched my hands to the ground, sending a pulse through the earth growing tree roots under them, creating a bridge out of panic. "Wh-wha why didn't you do that in the first place?!!?" Dwalin yelled dropping down onto my bridge. "I...I guess I didn't think to. That was out of panic." I said running to Bombur. "Come on Bombur, let's get away from his water." I said as I lifted him and we walked off. "I can't believe you didn't just do that in the fir-" Dwalin was cut off. "FOR MAHALS SAKE, it was stress magic! I can't control it when I'm panicked!! And unless you want me to use it to turn you into a bloody mushroom, keep talking the way you are!!!" I growled frustrated. Dwalin nodded. I huffed and carried on the path. I looked at the sick looking trees around us and remembered Radagasts words about the forests. Supposedly spiders where here...if I see one...I'm going to lose it, no doubt. "Salacia," Thorin said coming to my side. "Yeah?" I groaned. "Are you alright?" He asked. I was thankful for how caring he was, however I looked like hell, my tone was dripping venom and I had a pissed off look on my face. "No love, not really. This stupid forest is getting into my head." I said rubbing my eyes. "I agree, it seems to be getting to all of us." Thorin said. I nodded, "I'm just hoping nothing goes wrong...the last thing I want is to get lost in this forsaken place, I swear, I'd be furious if that happened." I said. "Um...Salacia..." I heard Ori behind me. "Yeah?" I asked nicely, I could keep my angry tone like with Thorin...I would have felt bad. "We seem to have lost the path..." He said. My eyes widened.


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