Chapter 30: You'll never be alone

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Salacia PoV

I searched vigorously thought town, Kili, Fili, and Bofur behind me. "W-where did she take him?!" I asked frustrated. "Salacia...are you alright?" Kili asked. I nodded though I was far from alright. My head felt like it was being pounded with a hammer, I had chills up my body, my mouth felt like cotton and my vision was tricking me everywhere I went. "Lass I think you should lay down for now." Bofur said. "No! I need to find Oli-!" I said before I was cut off by a mass amount of vomit coming from my mouth. I coughed and jacked up whatever seemed to want out. "Okay Salacia, I'm drawing the line." Fili said. "Salacia!" I heard Thorin's voice behind me. I felt tears pricking my eyes as another round of vomit came up. "Oh dear," he said placing a hand on my back. "Salacia, I am going to find Oliver okay? You are obviously ill. You need to rest." Thorin said suddenly lifting me into his arms. I had no strength to speak, or express my protest, only nod. My body began to go limp as I leaned my head against Thorin's broad chest. He carried me to the inn and unlocked his rooms door. He quickly but gently laid me in bed. I looked at him, only able to see the blurry form of his body. Suddenly a wet warm cloth was laid on my forehead. "Bofur, Balin. Watch her. Kili, Fili, Dwalin. Come with me." He said. I watched the four big strong dwarves leave the room before my head began to pound as though I was being beaten with a hammer causing me scream in agony. My eyes darted to Thorin and the others as they left, closing the door behind them. "D-d-don't hurt hi-h-him!" I struggled out. I felt my arms and entire body beginning to shake uncontrollably. "L-lass?! Get Oin!!!! She's foaming!" Balin yelled. I couldn't feel anything, my body was numb however I felt a freezing sensation flowing out of my mouth. Suddenly my vision went blurry and fuzzy, leaving me to only see broken up silhouettes. I made the attempt to speak though all that happened was foam sprayed from my mouth. My vision cleared...long enough to see the vision of Sam...staring...and smiling outside of the window. I focused long enough to see him disappear into smoke. My eyes widened at the realization...that I've been poisoned. I let out an agonizing scream as I felt my blood begin to freeze. I screamed in Eliech speach, I had learned it when I was a child from small water sprites. It was my first language until I learned The neutral language everyone knew. "What's she sayin?!" Balin asked confused as Bofur and Oin ran in. "Oh Mahal..." I heard Oin whisper.

Thorin PoV

I ran through laketown looking for the house Salacia had described to me when she told me of Oliver's situation. I felt horrible for what I had done. I knew Salacia already cared for the boy...and I gave him away. "Alright, that's the house Uncle." Fili said. I looked at the scratched and old wooden door. I took no time walking to the zoo and knocking. I heard clattering and items moving around before the door opened to see the woman who I had given Oliver back to. "Excuse me for bothering you." I said. "Mhm. What do you want?" She snapped. "I'm going to have to tell you I made a mistake giving you Oliver back." I said. "We're here to take him back." Dwalin said. "Ha! No way are you gettin that boy back! Like he would want to go to smelly dwarves anyways." She said bending down to our height. I felt my blood boil and my resistance not to nail her in the jaw fading. "Ma'am I know for a fact your a shitty parents, so I know you won't care for the boy. If you wish to keep him only for food I can promise a wealthy amount of money to come to you soon for the release of the boy." I said. "How much?" She asked. "To be determined. However I can promise you you will receive money." I said calmly through my gritted teeth. "Fine. Though good luck getting the boy to come to you, he's been hiding under the sofa for the last hour." She said. I nodded and walked into the house past the woman. "Oliver!" Fili said loudly. "Oliver! Come out! We're taking you back to Salacia!" Kili said. "Over there." The woman said pointing to a tattered couch. "Oliver." I said kneeling down and looking under to see the boy hiding. "Oliver come out, we're taking you back to Salacia." I said holding my hand out. "You don't want me there..." He said quietly. I sighed and shook my head, "I want Salacia to be happy, and she is happy taking care of you. As long as she is happy, I am." I said with a small grin at the boy. Within seconds he reached for my hand and allowed me to pull him out. "There we go." I said standing up with him securely in my arms. I walked past the woman and nodded to her. "Hey! When am I getting my money?!" She yelled. "Eventually." I said not looking at her once.

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