Chapter one: Pleasure to meet you

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Salacia POV

"Okay...if my navigation senses are correct....then the shire should be over this hill." I said to myself, holding a ball of light in my hand, shining it onto the map my Master had given me. "I can't wait to see Gandalf again, though learning from Radagast was fun." I smiled to myself thinking about the day he taught me how to train rabbits. I found myself at the edge of the shire and realized something. "I'm late!!!" I said loudly before running.

3rd person POV

"Your apprentice?!" Thorin yelled slamming his hands on the table. "P-please don't do that!" Bilbo said. "Yes, my apprentice is come with us. Wether you like it or not." Gandalf said taking a sip of wine. "We never agreed to this! You also made no mention of her!" Dwalin said. "That's because she didn't become my apprentice before two months ago. I had sent her off to deliver something to Rivendell. She was Radagast's apprentice but he's taught her all he knows, now she's asked to learn from me." I simply said. All the dwarves started an uproar. "Stop...stop... BE QUIET I HAVE NEIGHBORS YOU KNOW!!!!!" Bilbo yelled. "Now, let's wait till she gets here and speak with her and decide then!" Bilbo said calmly. Thorin huffed and sat back down, obviously irritated. "Well when is she going to be he-" *knock knock* Thorin was cut off. Bilbo ran and opened the door, seeing a short girl barely shorter than myself. She had long brown hair with blonde in the front going down to just the high middle of her back. She had bright green eyes and a heart warming smile. He also noticed a necklace around her neck with a rock cut in half exposing small amounts of gold and diamonds inside. "Hello!" The girl said. "Salacia," she said before bowing. "At your service." She said. Bilbo smiled warmly, "welcome, we've been waiting for you. My name is Bilbo Baggins" Bilbo said. "Oh I'm so sorry, I got a little lost on the way here, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She said taking off her cloak, leaving her shoulders exposed, neck, and chest just above her bust exposed...though I must admit...her dress fit her form perfectly.

((This dress was one where it had selves but they didn't go over the shoulder...I don't know how to explain it but I hope you understand what I mean.))

"Is Gandalf here?" I asked. "Yes he is he's right in there." I said pointing into the dining room.

Salacia POV

I quickly entered the dining room to see 13 dwarves starring at me. "Hello!" I said smiling. I looked and saw Gandalf. "I got what you asked for." I said, "good," he said while patting my head. "Please, take a seat," Gandalf said gesturing to the chair next to A black haired dwarf. I nodded and sat down. "Hello, I'm Salacia" I said holding my hand out to the black hair. The man looked at my hand then to me. "Thorin Oakenshield." He said. Though did not shake my hand. I sighed and looked to Gandalf as he set out a map. "The lonely mountain." I heard Bilbo say behind me. "Aye. Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it is time." A dwarf said. "Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold: When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end." A younger looking dwarf said. I'm guessing Bilbo and I had the same thought as we simultaneously said " Uh, What beast?"
A dwarf with a cool hat took his pipe out of his mouth and looked at me. Well that would be a reference to Smaug the Terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire-breather, teeth like razors, claws like meathooks, extremely fond of precious metals-" he was cut off by Bilbo, "yes I know what a dragon is." He said. I looked at Gandalf with worry, "you never mentioned a dragon." I whispered though loud enough that Thorin heard. "You know you don't have to go. If your afraid." Thorin said. "Oh no I still want to go he just never mentioned a dragon." I said simply looking at the dwarf king. Suddenly the young dwarf stood, I'm not afraid! I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of the Dwarfish iron right up his jacksie!" He cheered. I laughed as the rest of the dwarves started to shout. "The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us. But we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest." The white haired dwarf said with a sigh. Suddenly a rather handsome sandy blond haired dwarf stood up, "we may be few in numbers, but we're fighters, all of us, to the last dwarf!" He yelled causing all the dwarves to cheer. "And let's not forget we have wizards in our company! Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time! And Salacia...well we'll probably figure out what she can do!" The brown haired one said then flashed me a handsome smile. I felt my face heat up and I looked away with a small smile. Suddenly the dwarves started arguing about how many Dragons Gandalf has killed. Suddenly Thorin stood and roared "Shazara! (Silence) If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumours have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look east to the Mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?" He said thrusting his fist in the air. Balin however cut in, "You forget: the front gate is sealed. There is no way into the mountain." He said. Gandalf smiled "that my dear Balin, is not entirely true." Gandalf said. The dwarves looked at him confused. "Salacia, the package." Gandalf said. I dug through my bag and found a small clothe covered item, tied with string. I handed it to Gandalf and he unwrapped it relieving a key. Thorin pushed me back to get a better look. "I'll just move." I said getting a faceful of Dwarvish hair. I wandering over to Bilbo, "can I trouble you for something to eat?" I asked. Bilbo nodded and led me to the kitchen. "If there's anything left then you can have it." He said before leaving. "Thank you!" I said before looking for some food.

As I looked through the kitchen I felt a presence behind me. I turned and came face to face with the cute brunette dwarf who smiled at me. "Hello~" he said. "Oh, hi! I'm sorry...I never got your name..." I said blushing. "Oh, I'm Kili, at your service." He said giving me a small bow. I smiled, "pleasure to meet you!" I said. "So, are you going to come with us?" He asked. "Well...I think I am." I replied. "I hope you do..." He said before winking at me and going back into the dinning room. I could actually feel my face blushing madly. "Salacia! Come here," I heard Gandalf said. "O-okay, coming!" I said as I quickly grabbed a piece of bread and ran into the dining room.

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