Chapter 16: Others can be difficult

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Fili PoV

I walked with Salacia by my side and my brother popping off corny jokes entertaining us. We saw the sun beginning to go down slowly. "Oh!!! It's a crescent moon tonight!!" Salacia suddenly said excited. "What's so great about that?" Kili asked. "Oh uh crescent moons are amazing nights to make potions. I know what I'm doing tonight~~" she sang. "What will you be doing?" We heard Thorin ask stopping in front of us. "Oh, I'm going to whip up some new potions, my old ones expired." She said. "Potions expire?" Bofur asked. "Oh yeah, never EVER use an expired potions, the effects will be the opposite of what you want and quite brutal." She said. "Have you ever experienced a bad potion?" Dwalin asked. "Oh yeah...and I do not wish to talk about it." she said with a nervous look. "Hm. If you where smarter you wouldn't have done that." Thorin said. "Uh. Excuse me?" Salacia said. My eyes widened. "I said you should keep track of yourself! Not act like an irresponsible child!" Thorin snapped. "Oh I know you did not just call me a stupid irresponsible child." She said in a venomous tone. "You are a sad excuse for a wizard!" He yelled angrily. I frowned and glared at him, "Nîdh! (That hurts!)" She said. He glared at her, "don't you dare speak that woodland tongue in my presence!" He yelled storming towards her. I stepped in front of her and blocked her from him. "In ú-draston Gin ú-velin(I don't care! I don't like you!)" she yelled. Thorin growled, "Thorin!! Leave her alone!" I yelled looked at him angrily. "Piss off Thorin!!! I haven't done anything!!!" Salacia yelled. Sighed irritated at my beloved not being able to back down. "Why do you think you are?!" Thorin yelled. "I'm pretty damn sure I'm Salacia last time I checked!!" She yelled back. "Cut the attitude Salacia or I'll kick you out of the company!" Thorin yelled. "Whoa whoa whoa let's not get hasty Thorin!" Bilbo said panicked. "OH BECAUSE YOU GUYS LASTED SSOOOOOOO LONG WITHOUT ME!" Salacia practically screamed. "Your so directionally challenged i had to put an oblivious spell on you to get you to go the right direction and not get us all hopelessly lost!" She snapped. I suddenly began to see Salacias veins glowing a dark red. I pulled her back by her waist. "Salacia! STOP IT!!!" I yelled. She looked at me and her eyes screamed fury. "ALRIGHT! THATS ENOUGH!!!!!" Dwalin yelled before Thorin could reply. "You two are acting like children! Thorin I expected better!" Dwalin growled. I saw Salacia smirk. "Wipe that smile off yer face lass. Your gonna be a member of the white council some day! ACT LIKE IT!" He yelled. Salacia had a stone poker face on after that. "Now. Apologize." Dwalin said crossing his arms. Salacia sighed. "Goheno nin (forgive me)." Salacia said in elvish. Dwalin smacked her head. "Not in elvish." He said. She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said. Dwalin nodded and looked at Thorin, however all he did was huff and turn away starting off once again. I looked back at Sal, she had an odd look on her face. "What is it?" I asked. "...his's so confusing." She said. "What?" I asked. "Oh, I learned this. She can feel other people's energy when she focuses on them." Kili said as the company moved on. My eyes widened and I stopped Salacia, " sense my energy?" I asked...slightly worried. She smirked at me, her eyes trailed down and back up my body, "oh yeah. I can sense it." She said with a smiled before taking my hand and tugging me after the company.

Soon we managed to get Thorin to let us stop for the night and set up camp. Salacia got the fire going and put a protective barrier around camp. I couldn't help but watch her as she did it. My eyes trailed down her curvy figure, admiring her thighs that had become thicker over the journey...which I enjoyed quite a bit. Suddenly fingers where snapped infront of my face. "We all know the lass has a lovely body, ye can gawk over it later!" Gloin suddenly laughed. Looked at him shocked then shook my head before going back to helping Kili catch food.

Salacia POV

I glanced over my shoulder, still whispered my protection spell under my breath. I looked at Thorin who was sharpening his sword, occasionally looking at me. I swallowed my anger and turned away. "S-Salacia?" I heard a certain adorable hobbit call. I held a finger up signaling to give me a second while I finished the spell. Once I did so I turned to him with a kind smile. "Yeah?" I asked. He looked rather nervous and flushed. "I wanted to ask you something..." He said. "Go for it." I said. " you can feel people's um...emotions?" He asked. I shrugged, "I feel their energy but it's basically the same thing, why?" I asked. " tell how people feel...about other people?" He asked. I frowned...I knew this had something to do with Thorin. "I'm sorry...I can't do that. I can only tell people's current dominant you...are very nervous." I said with a small smile. "Oh...well alright...thank you anyways." He said beginning to turn away. "Wait! Is...does this have to do with Thorin?" I asked. He suddenly went red in the face. I smiled sadly, "I think I already know so you should just tell me the truth, I won't tell a soul." I said. He sighed and nodded, "yes...yes it is." He said. "Do you like him?" I asked. "Yes...I do." He said. I couldn't help but squeal and hug him, "THATS SO CUTE!!!!!!" I gushed. "P-please stop!!!!" He panicked. "Okay, I can't tell his emotions for you, but I'll look through my old spellbook and see what I can find that may be of use." I said smiling widely. He looked at me wide eyed and smiled. "Really?! You'd do that??" He asked excited. I nodded, "of course I would!" I said. Suddenly he hugged me, I giggled and hugged him back. "FOOD!" We suddenly heard Kili and Fili yell returning. I saw each of them carrying a fully grown deer over their shoulders. I couldn't help but admire Fili, carrying that heavy deadweight animal like its nothing. I smiled and went to him, pecking him on the cheek. " damn guys! You two really lucked out!" I said smiling. Suddenly I looked past him and saw Gloin starting to gut one of them. I gagged, "oh gross, I'm going over there." I said causing Fili to laugh. "Are you not going to eat?" He asked. "Yeah! But I don't wanna watch my food get gutted thank you very much!" I said. Plopping down on my bedroll...only to be called by Thorin immediately after I sat down. I sighed and stood seeing him gesturing to follow him. "I'm not following you until I knew your unarmed." I said crossing my arms. He glared at me then set his sword aside. I then proceeded to follow him, the company's eyes watching us as i did so. We walked out of earshot of the company. "So what's this about? Are you going to finally apologize?" I asked. He turned and looked at me, "...I'm sorry, I acted foolish." He said lowly and quietly. I shrugged, "good enough." I muttered before beginning to walk back to camp only for Thorin to grab my arm stopping me. "Wait!" He said. I stopped and looked up at him. "What?" I asked confused. He studied my face for a moment...before doing something I honestly wasn't expecting. He used his other hand and placed it on the back of my neck, kissing me. My eyes widened before I banged on his chest for him to let me go, though he was much stronger than me. I turned my head pulling away, "let me go!" I said angry. He let me go and I looked at him with disbelief. "Gi fuion!!! (I am disgusted with you!!!)" I yelled. "Y-you know I'm with Fili right?!?!?" I asked. He sighed, "yes...I know. What I don't understand is why? Why is he so much better than I?!" He asked looking at me. ", he's a lot nicer! Two, he doesn't yell at me or got on my ass when I mess up! Three, he's like not four times my age, and four...I...I prefer blondes." I said crossing my arms. He looked to the ground and turned before sitting on a rock behind him. He began to speak until I cut him off. "Thorin, okay, don't say anything please." I said walking to him. "Don't get me wrong...I think your an amazing man...REALL you are. Kinda a hardheaded and really strict and I'm almost positive something is shoved up your ass that needs to be pulled out....but your also kind, caring, funny, and very loyal. I am proud to call you a friend..." I said looking at him. He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes...they where beautiful, I couldn't lie. "I'm sorry I did that Salacia...I was such a fool to think I could be with you." He said. "No! Like to be completely honest I had the hots for you the second I saw you, but then we didn't have very much in common...and you yell at me a lot...and get pissed when I speak elvish...and from time to time make fun of me..." I said. He looked down again and I kneeled down holding his surprisingly soft beard in my hands. "But, I wouldn't trade you for the world. Your unique and brave and a wonderful man that I'm positive you'll find your one." I said. He smiled slightly, "thank you know how to let a man down gently don't you?" He asked. "I've had to do it quiet few times in my life I said scratching my head. "Wait wait, so your attitude towards me is because I'm with Fili?" I asked suddenly realizing that. "Well..." He said. I giggled and poked him, "oooo your jealous~" I teased then went to a serious face, "don't be. I'm a terrible person to sleep with, I snore, steal covers and kick people off beds. I get snippy when I'm mad, can't share to save my life and occasionally I do stupid things and will most likely drag Fili into it." I said successfully making him laugh. I smiled and sat down beside him. "See~ I'm awful~" I said happily leaned my head against his shoulder, looking up at him like a dork. He glanced at me and laughed shoving me off. I laughed and looked at him. "However..." I said. He looked at me, "I have a question..." I said. "What?" He asked. " your standing point on being with another man?" I asked biting my thumb nail. He looked at me shocked then looked away. "I....I'm okay with it." He said. "Wow really?!" I asked surprised. "Yes." He said. "So you would marry and sleep with another man?" I asked. He nodded, "yes I would." He said. I couldn't help but squeal like I had with Bilbo and hug him. "THATS SO CUTE!!!!!" I gushed. He pried me off him, "s-stop it!!!" He said. I saw that his face was flushed. "Awe~ cute. I need to go!!!" I said before running off back to camp. I hurled myself over a rock and dove into came rolling on the ground and to my knees before crawling to my bag. "That was quite the entrance!" Fili laughed. I looked at him and smiled before pulled out my spell book. "What's that?" He asked. "A book of spells, potions, charms, and hex's." I said. "Ah...why do you have that out?" He asked. I glanced at Bilbo who was quietly eating his food and grinned as I saw Thorin come back into cam and sit somewhat near him. "Uhh no reason." I said with a smile before opening my beloved book.

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