Yunho ✦ Pillaged | Pirate AU

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Word count: 8,245

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You were busy washing dishes and tidying up the mess left by your previous customers

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You were busy washing dishes and tidying up the mess left by your previous customers. Empty glasses and spilled alcohol littered the bar, the strong stench permeating the air. You sighed as you placed a clean glass onto a shelf with the others, making a mental note to scrub the bar once you finished dishes. The sound of someone kicking open the entrance to the tavern pulled your attention away from the spotless glassware.
A man with dark hair strode into the establishment, brandishing a small pistol. He wasted no time jumping onto the bar, catching everyone's attention, as if people weren't already staring because of his dramatic entrance. You could tell immediately by his attire that he was a pirate, and pirates are bad news around here.

"I'll be taking three barrels of whiskey." He spoke to you before turning towards the patrons to address them.
Before he could speak, half of the customers ran out shouting, "Pirates!"
The man watched as they ran out, but didn't do anything as he continued speaking to the ones left in the tavern.
"If all of you would be so kind, empty your satchels and pass the contents over to these three gentleman." He announced, waving a pistol around as three more pirates entered the place.
While he was facing the customers who were in the process of removing the contents of their bags, you grabbed a musket that was kept underneath the bar. You pointed it at the man, cocking it, causing the weapon to make a small click sound which prompted the pirate to turn around.
"I don't think so." You spoke.
He crouched down on the counter, his eyes darkening as they met yours.
"On second thought..." He trailed off.
The weapon was snatched from your hands and you were grabbed by another pirate who you didn't see approach.
"I'll take you as well." The man on the counter smirked.
"No!" You fought back, jerking around in the pirate's grip.
"Are you done?" The man in charge asked, turning to his two lackeys that appeared to have collected a few things from the remaining customers in the establishment.
Said customers seemed to have evacuated the premises, leaving just you and the four pirates.
"Now, doll, why don't you do us a favor and serve us something to drink."
"I'm not serving you anything." You spat.
"We'll see about that." He sneered, standing up and hopping off the counter.

The faint sound of a weapon being drawn from a sheath could be heard before you felt the cool sensation of a blade being pressed against your neck by the pirate holding you.
The leader rested his elbows on the counter as he watched you.
"If you don't serve us, I'll have my crew mate here gut you like a fish. How's that?"
You gulped, your neck momentarily pressing against the sharp blade. You grit your teeth as you answered.
"That's more like it."
You were released as the leader and his crew went to sit at the bar. You watched with a sour expression as the one who was holding the knife against your neck merely climbed over the bar to get to the other side, joining the rest of the group. Oh well, the bar hadn't been cleaned anyway.
The man and his three crew mates began going through the satchels collected from your customers. Your eyes darted towards the exit, but before you could make a move, one of the crew mates pulled a musket out, cocking it.
"Don't even think about it." The dark-haired pirate spoke, looking at the (stolen) rings on his fingers. "You won't even get the chance."
Letting out a sigh, you chose to comply for the time being.
"Enough." The lead pirate waved his hand dismissively, the crew mate lowering his musket. "Barkeep, get us some whiskey, will ya?" He demanded.
"If you say please, I'll consider it."
He looked to you, his eyes dark. "Pirates don't say please."
Your jaw clenched as you turned to grab enough glasses for him and his crew. He had to be the captain, if not the captain, then someone in a high position. Though you were almost certain he was the captain. There's no way he wasn't.
You placed four glasses of whiskey onto the bar, watching as the pirates took them.
"What's some fine whiskey without a fine woman to serve it?" The dark-haired leader, presumably the captain, winked at you before raising his glass.
You cringed at his pathetic attempt to flirt.
"To pillaging!" He grinned.
"To pillaging!" His crew echoed as they clanked their glasses together so hard, some of the alcohol spilled onto the already messy bar top.
You watched from behind the bar as they downed the drinks. The captain let out a long ahhh as he slammed his glass onto the counter.
"More." He demanded.
You had to fight back the urge to refuse, choosing to comply, as it seemed to be the best option for you.

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