Seonghwa ✦ Jealous

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Published: March 10, 2021
Rewritten: June 21, 2023

Word count: 2,377

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

It was a very important night, not just for the guys, but for you as well

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It was a very important night, not just for the guys, but for you as well. Your closest friends, Ateez, had been invited to a huge music show to promote their new comeback, and being the girlfriend of one of the members, you got to be Seonghwa's plus-one. This would be your first big event as well as the first time you would be seen at such a public event. He helped you pick a dress for the night, something nice that flattered your figure, but not too extravagant. The compliments were endless and he was excited to "show you off" as he said.

Upon stepping out of the black SUV you rode in, you and Seonghwa strode across the carpet and into the large building where the ceremony was being held. You trailed along beside him, following the rest of the boys to their designated row of seats. Popular songs from the biggest K-pop groups played through the large speakers attached to the rafters, the loud bass thumping in your chest. Everyone had just sat down and San was already dancing in his seat while looking around to see who else was in attendance.

"This is amazing. I've never been to anything like this before." You commented in awe as your eyes darted around the giant auditorium, attempting to take it all in.
"It's pretty cool, isn't it?" Seonghwa smiled softly, admiring how adorable you looked while gazing around the room. He knew you weren't used to a setting like this but seeing how in awe you were made his heart flutter.
"Seonghwa, look!" Wooyoung pointed excitedly while nudging him. "BTS! They're sitting right over there."
"No way." Seonghwa gaped.
He couldn't believe he was sitting in the same room as a group as big as BTS. He had always hoped to meet them, but they were never at any of the awards shows Ateez had attended in the past.
"You think I can meet Jimin?" Wooyoung inquired, unable to take his eyes off the worldwide famous group.
"I don't know. If you're lucky, maybe."
You chuckled amusedly at Wooyoung and his fanboy tendencies.
"I wonder who's sitting in front of us." Yeosang asked out of curiosity.
"We'll find out soon." Hongjoong stated.

Minutes later, a group of boys made their way to the row in front of you.
"Aye!" Mingi shouted, standing up out of his seat and waving his arms in the air.
You were a little confused by his enthusiastic reaction until you finally saw who the group was.
"Hi." Seoho waved at everyone as he bowed in greeting. "It's good to see you again."
You knew the boys had done Weekly Idol with Oneus a while back, but this is your first time meeting them in person and it was surreal.
"Who's this?" Keonhee asked Seonghwa.
"This is my girlfriend, Y/n." He grinned proudly.
"Nice to meet you." Xion bowed.
"You too. I saw you guys on Weekly Idol with the boys. You guys were amazing, really funny too."
"Thanks. We had a lot of fun." Leedo smiled.
"It's the best time I've had on a variety show in a while." Hwanwoong grinned. "Seriously."
The group took a seat and continued to chat with the boys for a few minutes until the MCs walked out on the stage and kicked off the show. The hosts were a male and female idol, both of them introduced themselves and did a small monologue before announcing the first performance.
You and Seonghwa sang along to the upbeat music, dancing a little in your seats and even doing some of the choreography to the song.

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