Jongho ✦ Stowaway | Pirate AU

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If I waited one more week to publish this, it would have been Jongho's birthday (October 12) but I didn't realize until after I said on IG that I'd be posting it today, so we'll just say this is an early birthday imagine lol

Word count: 6,707

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

Your feet burned as you ran down the dock, your ratty shoes not providing much protection, your lungs were stinging with each labored breath, begging for oxygen

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Your feet burned as you ran down the dock, your ratty shoes not providing much protection, your lungs were stinging with each labored breath, begging for oxygen. You clutched onto the white fabric of your dress, holding the skirt up so you could run easier. You wanted so desperately to collapse on the weathered wood and stay there forever, but you couldn't. You were being chased by a group of three men. They were harassing you in the streets, making lewd comments about you and trying to put their grubby hands where they didn't belong. You were having none of it and when one of them got too close, you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Because of that, they were all chasing you and you didn't want to know what would happen if they caught you.

Things weren't looking good for you, as you were about to be at a dead end. Just when you thought all hope was lost, you caught sight of a massive ship moored at the wharf. The gangplank was down, giving you a sense of hope. It seemed to be your only means of survival. Without thinking twice, you rushed up the gangplank and onto the ship, grateful the guys chasing you didn't see you. The main deck looked vacant, which you were thankful for because you had the chance to catch your breath. That is, until you saw someone, presumably a crew mate, making his way onto the deck.
You scrambled away, spotting a hatch in the floor of the main deck. You opened it up, hurrying inside. Once at the bottom, you noticed multiple crates, sacks, and barrels of what you could only assume was provisions. You were in the cargo hold.
Maybe I can stay here for a while until those guys are gone. You thought to yourself.
You were thankful to have a few minutes to relax, your heartbeat slowly returning to normal.
Just then, the hatch to the hold opened up.

"Come on. You're not moving fast enough." An unfamiliar voice complained.
You hurriedly hid behind a cluster of crates, hoping to stay hidden from whoever was coming into the cargo hold.
"I'm trying the best I can, Changbin." A second voice whined. "This thing is heavy."
"I should have just asked someone else for help. You're useless." Grumbled Changbin.
"Hey!" The other voice huffed.

You peered around the side of the crate you were hidden behind, watching as two crew mates carried a giant barrel to the corner of the room. One of them had black hair and a stocky figure, the other had honey blonde hair and appeared slimmer, but strong.
"Come on." The dark-haired one gave a firm slap to the other's back. "We've got two more barrels to load."
The latter whined in protest, dragging is feet as he left the hold.

This wasn't good. Those boys would be coming back soon to load more barrels. You had to get out, and fast.
You scurried up the steps, going to open the hatch to the cargo hold. As you did, you heard a commotion on the main deck, sounds of men talking and boots thumping against the wood. The hustle and bustle caused you to scramble back to your hiding spot, quickly pushing aside any plans of escape.
"Now what?" You whispered under your breath.
All you needed to do was stay in your hiding spot and pray that you weren't caught. Just then, the hatch swung open and the two crew mates came back down into the cargo hold, both of them grunting as they carried a large barrel. You watched as they lugged the heavy object to the opposite corner of the room away from you.
"There's no space left over here." The dark-haired one named Changbin stated.
"Then let's try over there." The other gestured with his head.
Your heart dropped. It looked like he gestured over to where you were hidden.
"Alright. Let's go, then."
You pulled your knees up to your chest, pressing your back against the crate you were hidden behind.
Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here.
You could heard the thumping of their boots as the two moved closer to your hiding spot.
"Crap. We need to move this crate." The one with the honey blonde hair commented.
The barrel was set on the floor before the two started to move the crate you were behind.
You let out a gasp, turning towards the two as you were revealed.
Their eyes widened in shock as they stared at you for a moment before both of them let out loud screams. You let out an equally loud shriek, making the two even more scared. They turned around, scrambling out of the cargo hold, yelling for their captain.
I'm screwed.

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