San & Wooyoung ✦ The Boxing Ring | Outlaw AU

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San's segment word count: 2,675
Wooyoung's segment word count: 2,426

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__________𝐒𝐀𝐍 | __________

Another harsh punch landed on San's cheekbone making your face twist and your heart clench. Watching your boyfriend get beaten up every week was no fun, but you felt that you needed to be there for him, especially since he liked to call you his good luck charm. Having a title such as someone's good luck charm, how could you not show up and support him?
The crowd was loud and filled the metal building with cheers and screams. Many posters with phrases like Knock 'em out! and K.O were being held up and waved around as well as giant cutouts of your boyfriend's face. You knew his opponent didn't stand a chance. Everyone in this building came to see San and they were cheering him on because they knew he'd win. Very seldom did he lose fights.

The man delivered a jarring punch to San's abdomen causing him to stumble back a bit. Your hands gripped the chains that hung above the low metal barricade that separated the crowd from the ring, fighting the urge to jump in and pull San out.
"Don't do it." Wooyoung spoke from beside you. "You know he's got this."
"Yeah, I do." You sighed, your fingers absentmindedly fiddling with one of the metal links. "I just hate watching him get pummeled."
"He's not getting pummeled. That dude only got like three hits in."
"Yeah. Three good hits." You pointed out.
"He'll be fine, Y/n. He's been in situations much worse than this." His eyes stayed glued on San before he turned to you. "We're making so much money tonight. This'll be enough for us to share with all the guys and still have some left over."
You pressed your lips together, agitated by Wooyoung's nonchalance and lack of care for his best friend. Seeing him with a rolled up bill behind his ear made you even more angry. He flaunted the money they earned on weekly fights and it was all thanks to San. If anything, Wooyoung was just there for moral support.
Biting your tongue and pushing your temper that was slowly rising back down, you turned your gaze back to the fight going on in front of you. San appeared to have gained the upper hand, swinging his left arm to hit his opponent in the jaw, successfully knocking him backwards.
"Yes!" You whispered under your breath, clenching your hand into a fist. "Come on. One more hit."
While his opponent was disoriented, San punched him again in an attempt to knock him over or make him stumble, but it didn't work. The man recovered and went back to taking jabs at your boyfriend.

After an agonizing few minutes, the round came to an end and San stumbled over to the corner, barely making it to the metal folding chair before collapsing in it.
"You're doing great." Wooyoung praised, massaging San's shoulders.
"It doesn't feel like it." He groaned.
"Here. Have some water." Wooyoung handed his friend a bottle which he gratefully took, chugging the water like a dehydrated man wandering the desert.
You watched mesmerized as his Adam's apple bobbed with each gulp he took, some of the water trickling down the side of his face and down his neck, the sight making you swallow the drool that pooled in your mouth.
You were quick to reel yourself back in, focusing on the present before your train of thought could go any further.

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