ATEEZ ✦ As Boyfriends

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• A very sweet boyfriend • When he's off on tour, he calls or FaceTimes you every night telling you about his day• Biting!! (You know he's always biting the other members for no reason? Yep

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• A very sweet boyfriend
• When he's off on tour, he calls or FaceTimes you every night telling you about his day
• Biting!! (You know he's always biting the other members for no reason? Yep.)
• Spontaneous hair coloring sessions
• Reforming clothes together and making matching bracelets. I can also see you guys buying phone cases and redecorating them together
• Based off the way he acts when Atiny like another member or another idol, I think he would probably be the type to get jealous. Not possessive, angry jealous, but cute jealous
• You get to hang out with him at the studio watching him record. Sometimes the two of you would end up goofing off and messing with the autotune feature on the microphone he has hooked to his music setup
• Polishing each other's nails and having matching nail polish :')


• Protective boyfriend • Not the overprotective kind, but the kind who wants to make sure you're okay and happy• Always running around doing that thing where he sticks his tongue out and goes "blololololol" will probably do it in your face a lot• ...

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• Protective boyfriend
• Not the overprotective kind, but the kind who wants to make sure you're okay and happy
• Always running around doing that thing where he sticks his tongue out and goes "blololololol" will probably do it in your face a lot
• Biiiiig goofball. Always trying to make you laugh, especially by singing their songs in silly voices
• Cleaning house together <3
• Lots of movie marathons and drama-binging
• The two of you would watch ASMR together to relax or chill out before going to sleep. Seonghwa would even get you to participate in his Mars ASMR videos
• You would often buy him Lego sets for him to assemble since he loves it so much. Of course, he would ask you to join him in assembling said Lego sets

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