Yeosang ✦ A Christmas Wish

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Word count: 4,360

You sighed as you stared at the steaming cup of hot cocoa sitting in front of you. Even a festive drink like that couldn't seem to cheer you up.
"So, what's the deal?" Your friend, Jisung, asked.
"I don't know." You sighed. "I'm just not feeling very festive this year. Things haven't exactly been going well and I can't seem to find it in me to celebrate the holidays."
"Maybe it's seasonal depression."
"I don't know, maybe. I guess I feel like I've lost my Christmas spirit, that spark, you know? Things aren't as wonderful as they used to be and life has really kicked me in the butt."
"Maybe it's just that you're getting older. Things are different when you grow up. Christmas doesn't feel much like Christmas."
"It sucks." You sighed. "I'm usually so into the holidays, but not this year."
"You should write a letter to Santa." He suggested.
You let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, right."
"I'm serious."
"Thanks, Hannie, but I'm good. I'm not gonna write a letter to a fictional being."
"Well, it was worth a shot." He shrugged.

Later that night, you were sitting in your living room, a Christmas special on TV. A sigh left you as you stared blankly at the screen, your chest feeling hollow and empty.
"It's just not the same." You muttered, clicking off the television and shuffling out of the room, your feet dragging along the floor.
You stepped into your room, your gaze landing on your table that sat in front of the bedroom window.

Next thing you know, you found yourself sitting at the desk in your room, a pen and a piece of paper sitting in front of you. You weren't sure why you were about to do what you were about to do. Perhaps it was a last-ditch effort. Maybe you had hit rock bottom with no more options.
You picked up the pen and began to write.

Dear Santa,
I haven't been feeling too festive this year. I'm not really sure why. So many things have been happening lately and I just feel like the holidays aren't even worth celebrating. I've always loved Christmas, but this year has been so... bland. I don't know what to do about it. My friend suggested I write a letter to you, which I think is absurd, but here I am.

You let out a dry chuckle, feeling sorry for yourself.

This is so stupid. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I guess I'm out of options.
The only thing I want for Christmas is to get my Christmas spirit back.

You folded the letter and placed it into an envelope, momentarily considering throwing it in the trash, but you didn't. For whatever reason, something in you wanted to get that letter sent out—so you did.

The next day, you set out on your brief journey to the mall. You didn't need or want anything, you only went there to get your letter sent.
You clutched the envelope in your hand as you neared the middle of the mall where the Santa meet and greet was set up. Just outside the area was a red mailbox with huge, cursive letters printed on it that read: North Pole. You didn't put an address on the envelope, you just wrote North Pole, not that it mattered, Santa wouldn't be receiving the letter anyway. Actually, you didn't know who would get it. Part of you didn't care.
You pulled open the flap glancing at the envelope in your hand. You shook your head, letting out a mocking laugh as you dropped the letter into the box.

A large pile of letters was spread across Mr. Claus' desk. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time to go through the letters that made their way to the North Pole. He grabbed the next envelope, ripping it open and pulling the letter out to look at it. Upon reading the written message, he felt a somberness in his heart, placing his hand over his chest.
"Oh no." He frowned.
He placed the letter on his desk, grabbing the intercom mic that sat nearby.
"Attention everyone. We have a code Blue Christmas, level 7. I repeat, code Blue Christmas, level 7. Kang Yeosang, please report to my office immediately."

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