San ✦ ÄŃTĪ

8K 221 95

Published: June 9, 2021
Rewritten: August 9, 2023

Word count: 1,387

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things.

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things

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You breathed heavily, huffing and puffing just to get the slightest bit of oxygen into your burning lungs. You pumped your legs faster, trying to make your way out of this hellish horror maze made of concrete walls. The house seemed to stretch on forever, an endless labyrinth that you feared you would never get out of. Everywhere you turned there was another hallway or another door. You looked behind you, spotting him not far away. His slender figure stalked slowly down the hallway towards you. He wasn't even running, but every time you looked behind you he was right on your tail.

"Running away only makes me want you more." He spoke in a taunting voice, his tone low and gravelly.
Your body flinched at the sound of his voice, your heart pounding faster against your ribcage, fear and adrenaline being the only things keeping you going.
I have to get away from him. I have to.
You had already made it this far. There was no use in giving up now.
Rounding a corner, you spotted a flight of stairs leading up to a door, having no choice but to follow them. There was nowhere else to go and this was your only chance at freedom.
Mustering up your courage, you started running as fast as you could up the steps, not knowing where they lead, and not really caring.
"C'mon, sweetheart. I don't like playing this game with you." He called.
Hearing his voice only made you run faster, pushing yourself up each step despite the intense and uncomfortable burning in your legs. Finally you reached the door at the top of the staircase, rushing towards it. Seeing the door just a few steps away gave you a glimmer of hope, albeit faint.
Just five more steps.
Four. Three. Two.
You reached the top step, your hand already moving towards the silver handle when your foot slipped and sent you sliding down the rickety staircase.
You let out a startled yelp as soon as you felt yourself lose your footing. Thankfully, you were able to catch yourself, reaching out to grab whatever you could, your hands finding purchase on one of the steps.

Frantically looking behind you, you saw him approaching, a dark and sinister smirk on his face as he began nearing the the wooden staircase. He was pleased to see your slip-up and planned to take advantage of it, seeing the opportunity to get you back once and for all. This time he would put extra locks on the door and take more extreme measures to ensure you never tried to leave him again.
The predatory glint in his eye was evident and instilled more fear in you, making you feel like a helpless antelope about to be caught and torn to shreds by a hungry hyena. He lunged forward just as you regained your footing, another rush of adrenaline shooting through your veins as you scrambled back to the top of the steps, grabbing the handle on the door and twisting it sharply. You entered what appeared to be the hallway near the kitchen, at least that's what you remembered from the first time you stepped foot into the home.
I'm halfway there. One step closer to freedom.

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