Yunho ✦ ÄŃTĪ

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Published: May 19, 2021
Rewritten: August 9, 2023

Word count: 1,903

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things.

You and your loving boyfriend Yunho walked hand in hand down the sidewalk, making your way through the outdoor mall, looking around at all the different places to shop

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You and your loving boyfriend Yunho walked hand in hand down the sidewalk, making your way through the outdoor mall, looking around at all the different places to shop. You had already visited a handful of them and purchased some new items you were very excited about.

"Where to next?" Yunho inquired.
"I'm not sure. There's so much to choose from." You commented.
"Let's go over here and look." He tugged you over to a small kiosk set up on the street.
The lady running the little booth welcomed you both with a warm and friendly smile. You turned your eyes to the goods she was selling, glancing down at the jewelry lined up along the tabletop. Yunho had already made himself busy picking through the bracelets with a determined look on his face.
You perused the many rings on display, examining the intricate and unique designs on them, taking one or two out to try them on.
"Hey." Yunho called softly.
You turned to him.
He held out two silver chain bracelets packaged together, a small charm of half a heart shape hanging from each one.
"What do you think about these?" He asked.
"I like them."
"Those are couple bracelets." The lady running the kiosk mentioned.
"Then they're perfect." Yunho smiled. "I'll take them."
He paid for the jewelry and the both of you headed over to a nearby bench to rest your aching legs for a moment. Yunho was quick to start removing the bracelets from their plastic bag, suggesting that you put them on immediately. You held your hand out and allowed him to clip the bracelet onto your wrist. You did the same for him in return, smiling fondly at the jewelry.
"These are actually really cute." You commented.
"They are. I like them. It's a subtle way to let everyone know you belong to me."
"What?" You chuckled.
"You know, so people know we're together." He grinned.
"Ah. Right." You nodded. "Most people wear couple shirts or something, but I like jewelry. It's not attention-grabbing and it's more personal I think. Anyway, thank you again."
"Of course, love. I'd do anything for you."
The comment seemed a bit odd, especially with the strange tone is voice took on, but you chose to leave it.
"Hey, are you hungry?" He spoke up, changing the subject. "We haven't eaten anything yet."
"A little."
"Why don't I get us something from that food truck over there?" He pointed.
"Sure. Sounds good."
"The truck is just right there, so you can stay here and save our seat. I'll be right back."

Your eyes followed his tall and broad form for a few drawn-out moments before your gaze trailed down to the silver bracelet adorning your wrist. A loving smile formed on your lips while you played with the charm. You always thought matching couple things were a bit cheesy, but now that you were in a relationship, you think it's kind of nice. Then again, the bracelet was genuinely cute and very minimalistic. It's not like it's some cheesy t-shirt saying Her King and His Queen. You cringed slightly at the idea of shirts like that actually existing.
As you admired the new piece of jewelry clasped on your wrist, you noticed someone's presence in your peripherals.
"Ah. You're back alr-" You cut your sentence short when you saw the person beside you, realizing it wasn't Yunho.
"Hi." The man smiled.
You felt instant discomfort, especially since he had made himself comfortable beside you on the bench without even asking if he could sit.
"Um. Sorry, but I'm waiting for someone." You told him, trying your best to be polite.
"Why don't I keep you company until they come back?"
"Actually, the person I'm waiting for is my boyfriend." You specified, making sure to say the word boyfriend rather loudly.
"Oh. I should have known a pretty girl like you was already taken."
"Yes and I'm very happy." You told the man, wanting him to know you weren't interested.
"You sure?" He asked, placing his arm across the back of the bench, his unwanted action making you even more uncomfortable.
"Yes." You answered, scooting away to try and put some distance between you and the man.
"Is there a problem here?" Yunho's voice bellowed from behind you.
A sense of relief washed over you upon hearing his voice, thankful that he had come to the rescue.
"Not at all." The stranger answered. "Who are you?"
"I'm her boyfriend." Yunho answered in a rather threatening tone.
"Oh?" The stranger raised a brow, an amused smirk pulling at his lips.
"She's not interested, creep. So get away from her." Yunho demanded sharply, his voice low.
"She's just being coy." The man chuckled, his hand reaching for you.
Before he could lay a finger on you, Yunho's hand shot out, grabbing the man's wrist.
"Don't you dare." He growled, his voice taking on a tone so deep it nearly sent a shiver down your spine.
The stranger narrowed his eyes at Yunho, who tightened his grip, squeezing the guy's wrist. His brows knit together in discomfort as the cocky smirk was wiped clean off his face.
"Dude, stop. That hurts." He hissed.
"You need to learn a lesson." Yunho told him, his eyes glazed over as he continued to add more pressure to the man's wrist.
"Ow! You're gonna break my wrist!" The man yelped.
"Good." Yunho seethed through gritted teeth.

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