Yeosang ✦ Jealous

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Published: May 24, 2021
Rewritten: June 21, 2023

Word count: 2,837

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

You stepped past the threshold of the front door, kicking your heels off immediately to alleviate the burning in your feet

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You stepped past the threshold of the front door, kicking your heels off immediately to alleviate the burning in your feet. A sigh of relief slipped past your lips, relishing in the feeling of having your feet flat on the floor.
"Y/n?" Yeosang called, his head sticking out from the living room.
"Hi." You greeted tiredly, forcing a faint smile as you headed towards him.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he stepped towards you, his gentle eyes scanning your face.
"I'm just tired." You responded. "There's this huge meeting coming up and if everything goes well, I might get a promotion."
"Really? That's good news." He beamed. "It sucks that you're putting in extra work, though."
"It'll all be worth it. My boss told me he was considering me for the promotion and if I was available to start staying at work later to help him on this project, it would help me in getting this promotion."
"How long will you have to work on the project?"
"The meeting is next Thursday." You informed him.
"Oh. It's only Monday. That's quite a while. How late will you be staying at work?"
"Not sure. I assume no more than an hour later than usual."
"Just don't overwork yourself, okay angel?"
You nodded, a silent agreement that you would try to pace yourself.
"Now, how about I run you a nice hot bubble bath and order us something to eat?"
"That sounds heavenly." You sighed dreamily, your whole body beginning to relax at the thought of a hot bath.
Yeosang left the room and you headed to the kitchen to get a drink of water, in need of some hydration, as all you really had that day was unhealthy amounts of coffee. Seconds later, Yeosang stuck his head into the room.
"Do you want the vanilla-scented bubble bath or the strawberry?"
"Surprise me."
He nodded and left again. Yeosang's sweet gesture to run you a bath got you thinking about how thankful you were for him. He was always so attentive and made sure you were comfortable and happy no matter what.

After downing the glass of water, you returned to the entryway and picked up the heels you discarded minutes earlier, carrying them to your room where you placed them back into the closet and hung your bag up. Kicking the bedroom door closed, you removed your stifling work clothes, tossing them into the laundry hamper and grabbed your robe, slipping it on before walking out.

As soon as you stepped out of the room, you met Yeosang who was standing in the hallway.
"Your bath water is almost ready." He announced.
"Perfect." You clasped your hands together, hurrying off to the bathroom.
You swung the door open, the warm scent of vanilla enveloping your senses in its comfort.
"What do you think?" Yeosang asked timidly from behind.
"Great choice." You smiled, letting out a content sigh.
You entered the bathroom and went to turn the water off, seeing that it was just right. It was at that moment you felt strong arms wrap around you from behind and someone's face nuzzling in the crook of your neck.
"Yeosang." You chuckled, feeling his lips ghosting against your skin, sending goosebumps down your spine. "What are you doing?"
"I just wanna kiss my girlfriend." He murmured, the vibrations causing even more goosebumps to rise.
He pulled the collar of your robe down a bit, just enough to expose your shoulder where he began pressing soft kisses to your skin. The sensation of his warm lips elicited a low groan as you relaxed in his embrace, letting yourself indulge in some pre-bath canoodling. Your hand moved to his long and luscious blonde locks, your digits briefly running through it to feel the soft strands. Yeosang spun you around to face him, his lips landing on yours. Your eyelids slid closed, leaning into him as he gently tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth. His mouth moved slowly against yours, allowing you to feel every dip and curve of his lips, quiet sighs leaving him every so often.
It's times like these where you remember just how bold and romantic Yeosang can be.
When you felt the need to breathe, you pulled away, your face slightly warm from the dizzying kiss. Yeosang smirked lazily, his eyelids slight droopy.
"Enjoy your bath, love." He murmured before exiting the room.

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