Seonghwa ✦ Maleficent

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Series based off my ATEEZ as Disney Villains chapter

Word count: 6,675

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In a kingdom tucked between rolling foothills and towering mountains was a beautiful princess who lived in a castle

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In a kingdom tucked between rolling foothills and towering mountains was a beautiful princess who lived in a castle. She was the eldest of the King and Queen and was sought after by many men.
One day while out on a walk, she met a boy with horns and large wings that spread out past his shoulders. Though the boy seemed younger than her, his appearance was still intimidating and daunting.
The princess was terrified. She had never seen a creature such as he and cowered away in fear. He insisted he meant no harm, trying his best to assure her he wasn't a threat. He introduced himself so that maybe it would ease the girl's nerves. It took some patience and a bit of convincing until the princess hesitantly and cautiously began to approach the boy.
They somehow ended up talking and the princess soon found out he wasn't such a bad guy after all, in fact, he was pleasant to be around.

After that day, they continued to meet up, going on walks together, admiring nature, and sharing stories. The winged boy had fallen for the princess along the way, despite her being five years older than him. Seeing as he hadn't met many people, the age difference wasn't a problem in his eyes; she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Time passed and eventually he couldn't take it anymore, couldn't hold back his feelings. He needed to set them free.

One sunny spring day, he led the princess out to a field overlooking the glistening streams winding and twisting throughout the valleys below. He poured his heart out, confessing the strong adoration he held for the princess.
Her bright smile faded as he laid out his heart.
"I'm sorry. I've already fallen for another." She told him.
It felt as if his heart was shattered—more like crushed.
He asked why, begged for a further explanation. The princess returned with a simple response.
"I love him."
That made the boy angry. They spent all that time together and she fell for another man?
"Is there something wrong with me?" He asked sharply.
"I'm sorry. I've only ever seen you as a younger brother. Even so, I don't think I could be with someone such as yourself."
"Such as myself? What's that supposed to mean?"
The princess began stumbling over her words, desperately trying to come up with an explanation.
"That's not what I meant." She tried to say.
The boy was already angry, but that comment sent him over the edge.
He lashed out at the princess, enraged that she didn't return his feelings and even more so that she referred to his appearance in a negative way. As he spit his words of poison, the sky turned gray; his powers unknowingly effecting the weather.
He told the princess he never wanted to see her again and disappeared, deep into the woods never to return.

Six years passed. The boy was now a man; 23 to be exact. Heartbroken and emotionally destroyed, he kept himself hidden in the forest, his home now surrounded by thorns to keep everyone away. He would never let his heart get broken again.
He hadn't seen another human in years so he assumed the wall of sharp spikes worked, until one day.

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