Jongho ✦ ÄŃTĪ

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Published: June 30, 2021
Rewritten: August 9, 2023

Word count: 1,322

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things.

You pulled opened a drawer beside Jongho's bed, rummaging through it, desperately searching for a key. He's had you trapped in his house for at least two months now, or at least that's what it feels like. He won't let you go, keeping you there like a bird confined in a cage. Every time you ask him why you're there, he says something strange like, "You belong here."
You shivered just thinking about it.

"What are you doing?" His voice asked from behind you.
You jumped, standing straight up like a child who had just been caught doing something they weren't supposed to.
When did Jongho step into the room? You didn't even hear him. And how did he get so close without you noticing his presence?
"I asked you a question. What are you doing?"
Crap. You hesitated too long.
"N-Nothing." There was no way to conceal the way you stumbled over your words.
"You weren't trying to find something... were you?" He examined.
"No. Not at all."
Your body jerked when he reached around you, slamming the drawer shut with a snap.
His arms wrapped around your body, tugging you into his chest. He ghosted his lips over the shell of your ear, his grip tightening as he pulled you flush against him.
"Try that again and I'll kill you." He whispered darkly with little to no emotion.
"Y-Yes. Okay. I promise." You stammered.
"That's my girl." He hummed, pressing a kiss underneath your ear.
You shivered, squeezing your eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
"You're gonna be a good girl for me from now on, right?"
"Yes. I will."
He brought his hand up to your hair, twirling a lock around his finger as he moved his face in front of yours.
"You're so pretty, my darling." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your lips softly.
You stayed completely still, not wanting to kiss him back. He started to get more aggressive when he realized you weren't giving in. Your disobedience made him bite down on your bottom lip, hard. You let out a whimper as pain surged through the affected area.
"Kiss me back." He demanded, growling angrily, slamming his lips harshly against your own.
Despite the pain you were feeling, you reciprocated his actions and kissed back, just to keep him satisfied. His hand grabbed your hip harshly, squeezing way too hard. His other hand, which rested under your chin, was now cupping the back of your neck, his nails digging into your skin as he forcefully kissed you.
He pulled back after a few agonizing moments, his half-lidded eyes lingering on you, a satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He then stepped away, leaving the room as if nothing happened.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to calm your racing heart that threatened to beat right out of your chest.

Jongho was your best friend. He was by your side throughout everything both good and bad. You had lost some people close to you and he was there to comfort you every step of the way. Over that short amount of time, you became closer. Not long after that, you began developing feelings for him, which led to you two dating. Everything was great for a while, until it wasn't. He got possessive. So possessive that when you tried breaking up with him, he wouldn't let you, saying that only he could have you and no one else.
At the time you found that to be an extremely toxic thing to say, only further proving why you needed to end things with him. You had no idea he really meant it.
One night, he invited you over to have dinner with him as a way to apologize. Naturally, you gave him a second chance and came over. After that, he never let you leave.
You stood there for an unknown amount of time, waiting for your nerves to settle and your erratic heartbeat to slow down, still startled from getting caught. When you calmed down, you left Jongho's bedroom and entered the living room, not expecting to find him lying on the couch.

"Come here, lovely. I want to cuddle."
He reached out to you, but you stayed still.
"I'm not in the mood for games." He warned.
You complied, albeit reluctantly, lying down beside him on the couch. His arm snaked around your waist as he held you tightly to him, his hot breath fanning the back of your neck. You were so uncomfortable, you couldn't even relax. The only thing you could do was lie there and wait until he went to sleep.
Fifteen minutes later, you heard small snores coming from Jongho. Carefully, you moved his arm off your waist and slid off the couch, tiptoeing down the hallway. Each step was made with caution as you slinked silently into Jongho's bedroom to continue your search from earlier. You'd think after getting caught once you wouldn't try to look for a key again, but you were desperate.

Your clammy hands reached for the drawer underneath the one you were rummaging through earlier. You pulled it open, hyperaware of your movements, not want to do anything too abruptly in order to make as little noise as possible.
Your palms slid around the bottom of the compartment, not feeling the keys you were searching for. As you continued to sift through the items inside, something rattled. This caused you to gasp softly, your hands poking around in the drawer a few times, the bottom moving as you did so. You felt around the space, your fingers finding purchase on a small cutout in the wood lining the bottom of the drawer.
A secret compartment. Surely the keys are hidden there.
You pulled up on the thin piece of wood, the contents sitting on top of it sliding to the back of the drawer. Peering inside, you felt around for a key, but to no avail. Your heart sank when you did't feel the tiny metal object that would get you out of this nightmare. Instead of a key, you found papers scattered along the bottom of the drawer. Your curiosity got the best of you as you pulled them out to get a look at them.

Your brows pulled together as you realized they were photographs, wondering why they were hidden away in a secret compartment. An uneasy feeling began to settle over you as you realized they were pictures of you—most of them having red hearts drawn all over with red Sharpie. All of the photos were of you doing things like shopping or getting something from the coffee shop, the pictures obviously taken from a hiding spot, hidden from your view.
As you flicked through the photos, you realized some of them were showing you with your guy friends. However, the eyes of those friends were marked out with big, red Xs. You thumbed through a few more photos, seeing more Xs, a sickening feeling growing in the pit of your stomach.
The longer you looked at them, the more you began to realize each guy friend pictured had died. One photo depicted you and one of your friends who had died in a fire, huge Xs on his eyes along with singed edges on his side of the photo, another one showed a different friend with holes jabbed through him on the picture; he had died because he was shot.

Your whole body went cold, the blood draining from your face as realization hit you. Jongho was there to comfort you after every loss. Every time one of your friends passed, he was there to comfort you, pretending to care when he was the one who killed them.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps behind you, causing your whole body to freeze, clutching the photos in your hands.

"What'd you find?"

That's the end of the Anti series! I hope you guys enjoyed it! It was something different for me and I honestly loved it so much. I was also overwhelmingly surprised by how much support I received on this series! You guys loved it A LOT and I really really appreciate it, especially since this was something new for me.

Which one was your favorite?

I personally love Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Wooyoung's. They were all super creepy and dark and I'm the most proud of those three. Yunho's was also pretty good.

DO NOT steal, copy, repost, translate, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

 If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first

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