Rating: 14+ (for mildly suggestive content)
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
All imagines are fem!reader
• Snapchats
• Texts
• Lots of AUs (fantasy, vampire, films, etc.)
• Fluff
• Saucy moments (no smut)
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A long, drawn-out sight left your lips as you stared out the window watching the snow fall to the ground below. You would train your eyes on one snowflake, watching the way it floated downwards, joining the rest of the crystals on the solid, white blanket coating your yard. Unlike other Christmases, your heart felt very empty this year. You felt something was missing—more like someone. You work in an art museum and you've always been very involved in your job. You've never been one to worry or stress about settling down or finding someone, as your job keeps you happy. Sure, you've had moments where you feel a little lonely and maybe wish you had someone to spend time with, but you've always been able to brush it off. However, now something is different.
You tried to make plans with some of your coworkers, but they were all busy with their significant others. Your parents had taken a trip, so seeing them was out of the question, and your friends were busy as well with their boyfriends and girlfriends. Again, you've never been one to concern yourself with relationships, but it seems that everywhere you look there are couples. It's almost like the universe is rubbing it in your face.
In an attempt to try and brighten your Christmas, you decided to go outside and indulge in the snowy weather, perhaps even make a snowman. You bundled up tightly in your warmest clothes and stepped outside into the frigid air which immediately began to nip at your nose. Tugging your scarf up a bit closer to your face, you stepped off your porch and into the thick, white powder coating the ground. Your feet sunk into the snow as you trudged out into the yard, trying to find a place to start building your snowman. Your gaze came to halt just underneath a tree. It was dead, but some of the branches would provide at least a little shade for your snowman.
You began shoveling up snow, pushing it into a round sphere before shaping it and smoothing out the rough and lumpy edges. Once you got a good base going, you began scooping up snow with your hands, adding to that base, building it up higher and higher.
You continued to work on your snowman for an unspecified amount of time. You were so focused on perfecting the snowman, you didn't even keep track of how long you were outside. At some point, you took a moment to step back and see what you had created. Your brows pulled together as you glanced at the snowman you had sculpted, chuckling bitterly as you realized you had unintentionally made a literal snow man. The icy white snow had been shaped into the silhouette of a man. You had even given him facial features like a nose and the vague shape of lips. "Wow. I must be really lonely." You remarked. As if things couldn't get any more miserable, you realized you built your snowman underneath a mistletoe tree. Though, you could've sworn it was just a regular, dead tree, especially since you don't have any mistletoe trees in your yard. "The universe is just mocking me at this point." You muttered, glancing up at the cluster of mistletoe in the branches above. Fixing your gaze on the literal snow man in front of you, you let out a scoff.