Rating: 14+ (for mildly suggestive content)
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
All imagines are fem!reader
• Snapchats
• Texts
• Lots of AUs (fantasy, vampire, films, etc.)
• Fluff
• Saucy moments (no smut)
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Seonghwa could hear the whispers from the students around him, he was aware of all the eyes lingering on him as he walked down the halls of Hogwarts. This had been going on for quite some time and it was something he'd like to say he got used to, but he didn't. Every comment made under the breaths of students hurt him, their words sticking with him for days on end.
"He's so scary." "Is he really a Hufflepuff?" "Maybe the sorting hat got it wrong."
The sorting hat never gets it wrong. Seonghwa knew that. He knew he was in the right house, he just didn't look the part. Or maybe he didn't look the way people thought Hufflepuffs should look. He knew he looked intimidating, maybe even scary, but he wasn't. In fact, he was the complete opposite, but no one would know that because no one has ever bothered to approach or get to know him.
He stepped into his last and favorite class, astronomy. It was the one thing he looked forward to every Wednesday. The class took place in the evening just as the sun set, a time when the stars first start to come out. All the students around him seemed to disappear when he was in astronomy. Their comments and stares didn't matter in the slightest. It was just him and the stars.
You scurried into your astronomy class, sliding into your seat just a couple minutes before the bell sounded, indicating the start of class. You heaved a sigh of relief. The walk to the astronomy tower is incredibly long and though you were always prompt, tonight you were worried you wouldn't make it in time. "Alright class, last time we convened I mentioned that our next class would be a bit different. Do you all remember that?" Professor Sinistra spoke. A few students nodded in response. "Good. Tonight, we're studying Jupiter moons and you'll be partnering up with another student to study them. Do try and pair up with someone from another house. I want you all to get to know your classmates." You watched as people got up from their seats and began to pair off with their chosen partners. It all happened so quickly, you could hardly process it.
Your gaze moved around the vast classroom in search for a partner or your own. Your eyes drifted to the corner of the room where a lone Hufflepuff sat at his desk with a forlorn expression, his eyes cast down on the table. You were quick to notice how everyone seemed to be avoiding him and that didn't sit right with you at all. You hated when people got excluded or alienated for seemingly no reason at all. It made you sick. Grabbing your things, you approached the boy, standing in front of his table. "Hi." You greeted. His eyes became slightly wider as he gazed up at you, clearly not expecting anyone to approach him. "Hi." He responded quietly, his voice soft and timid. "I noticed you didn't have a partner yet." "Yeah." "Would you like to be partners with me?" His round eyes stared up at you for a few drawn out moments before he nodded. "Great." You smiled softly, taking a seat beside him. "I'm Y/n." "Seonghwa." He responded.