Mingi ✦ ÄŃTĪ

6.4K 204 89

Published: June 16, 2021
Rewritten: August 9, 2023

Word count: 2,600

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
This imagine contains dark themes and is not suitable for readers under the age of 14 or anyone who cannot handle scary things.

In this world, there are things called soulmates

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In this world, there are things called soulmates. I'm sure you've heard of them. No, not figurative soulmates—literal soulmates.
When you reach the age of five, the number zero appears on your wrist. Over time, this number can stay the same or increase. This is all depending on what yours and your soulmate's number is based on, which varies from person to person. That number can go up at any time depending on what event takes place.
The only other person that can see this number besides you is your soulmate.

You stared down at the open book in front of you, your eyes drifting over to the number nine printed on your wrist. Just the other day, it was eight. This happens every other night, you would go to sleep and wake up the next day with a different number; it just kept going up. You then glanced at the person's wrist beside you, seeing it empty. It's a habit you picked up, your gaze zoning in on the wrist of any person you encountered, eager to find your soulmate.
You let out a short sigh of disappointment and stood up from the table, ambling through the large library to return your book to its rightful place. Roaming past the many shelves, you dipped between two of them, sliding the book back on the shelf where you found it.

You turned around, intending on heading back to your table. However, before you could take more than two steps, you bumped into someone. You let out a grunt upon impact, the sound of a book hitting the carpet following shortly after the collision.

"Sorry." You apologized immediately out of natural tendency, reaching down to retrieve the man's fallen book.
You hadn't realized both of you had reached down at the same time until you saw his hand on the book. Quick to retract your hand, you backed off and allowed him to pick up the book himself.
"Sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
"It's alright." You waved it off dismissively. "I couldn't help but notice the book you're reading. It's really good, one of my favorites."
"Really?" His eyes lit up, the sight undeniably adorable. "Mine too. Have you read the whole series?"
"Have I read the whole series?" You echoed with a short laugh. "Of course I have."
"I have to ask, what did you think about the plot twist in the last book?"
"It was completely unexpected!" You paused, realizing you might've spoken too loudly for such a quiet setting like a library, deciding to lower your voice. "I couldn't believe it. I never would have expected it."
"Me either. It came out of nowhere."
"That's what makes it so good, though. The plot twists make the story even more interesting."
"Exactly." He nodded enthusiastically. "I'm Mingi, by the way."
"Mingi." You repeated. "I'm Y/n."
"This is the first time I've met someone that enjoys this series as much as I do." He lightly waved the publication in his hand. "It's not a well-known series so I don't hear people talking about it."
"Oh, I know! It's so under-appreciated. I wish more people knew about it." Your peripherals caught sigh of someone turning their head to you and the man you were in such deep discussion with. "Well, Mingi, I'd love to continue this conversation, but it seems we're drawing attention to ourselves."
"Ah." He looked around at the people sitting around the library, some of them giving the two of you dirty looks for disrupting their peaceful reading time. "You know, there's a cafe nearby that I frequent. If you'd like to talk more about the series, we could meet up there sometime."
Your face lit up at his offer. There was no way you'd turn down the opportunity to gush about your favorite series with someone.
"I'd like that a lot."
"Does tomorrow at 2:00 work for you?"
"Tomorrow at 2:00 is perfect."
"Great! Have you heard of The Loft? It's the cafe with the sculpture that looks like a chess piece in front of it."
"Yeah, I know that cafe."
"That's the one I go to."
"Ah okay. I've never been there but I've been dying to try it out."
"Perfect. So, I'll see you there tomorrow?"

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