Mingi ✦ Jealous

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Published: April 7, 2021
Rewritten: June 21, 2023

Word count: 2,232

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

It was the weekend and you and your boyfriend Mingi had a fun date planned for that day

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It was the weekend and you and your boyfriend Mingi had a fun date planned for that day. Since he got a rare day off, he chose to spend it with you. Of course, you told him he should rest, but he insisted the both of you go out and you couldn't possibly argue with him, especially when he was looking at you with those big, sparkly brown eyes of his.

Mingi picked you up at your place and the both of you headed to the mall. On the ride down, Mingi told you about what him and the members had been working on recently, talking about how busy they've been over the last couple weeks.
"Hongjoong stayed up all night one night just to finish a song." He told you as you headed down the highway.
"Yeah. He's really committed to his craft. He works so hard."
"A little too hard if you ask me. He needs a break."
"He doesn't know what a break is." Mingi chuckled.
"Have you guys told him to rest?"
"Yes. Jongho asked him how much sleep he got and he said he got about five hours of sleep in two days but that he's fine—he always says he's fine." Mingi shook his head.
"I'll have to give him a talking to."
"That's not a bad idea. Maybe he'll listen to you."
"You know, you work hard too." You mentioned." I've seen you in the studio quite a few times."
"I don't dedicate nearly as much time as Hongjoong does."
"Maybe that's a good thing. If you focus too much on one thing for too long you start to get frustrated and your creativity doesn't flow as easily. That's why it's good to take breaks."
"You're so wise."
"I'm just speaking from experience." You huffed out a light laugh.

You arrived at the mall a short time later. Mingi, by some miracle, managed to find a decent parking spot not too far from the entrance. As soon as you stepped out of the car, he grabbed your hand, lacing his long fingers with yours while you walked across the parking lot to the front doors of the shopping mall.

"Which store should we go to first?" You wondered aloud, glancing at the array of shops lining either side of the vast walkway.
"We're going to your favorite store first, obviously."
The excited glimmer in your eyes made Mingi's heart flutter.
"We are?"
He confirmed with a nod.
With a destination decided, you picked up the pace, passing other shoppers at the mall, tugging Mingi through the crowd.

Once at the store, you headed inside and immediately spotted some clothes that piqued your interest, making a direct beeline for them. Seconds later, you heard Mingi shuffling up behind you, his tall form leaning over to get a peek at what had elicited such an enthusiastic reaction from you.
"What did you find?" He inquired rather excitedly.
"Nothing in particular. I'm looking for something that'll really catch my eye."
"I've already found something that caught my eye."
The way he said it made you look over at him. He smirked cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"You're so lame." You laughed, playfully shoving him in the side. "That's the worst pickup line ever,"
"But you liked it, didn't you?" He grinned.
When you didn't respond, he bumped your hip lightly with his.
"Come on." He urged. "Admit it."
You hesitated before answering shyly. "Yeah."
"I knew it."

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