Rating: 14+ (for mildly suggestive content)
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
All imagines are fem!reader
• Snapchats
• Texts
• Lots of AUs (fantasy, vampire, films, etc.)
• Fluff
• Saucy moments (no smut)
Published: May 13, 2020 Rewritten: February 15, 2023
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
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You HEY!
Mingi Hey cutie <3 How are you?
You How am I??? I have a bone to pick with you mister
Mingi ME?!
Mingi What for? What did I do? :(
You You're too good looking 😤
Mingi What?! 😂 I already knew that, babe
You I- Wow Did not see that coming Hey, wait don't change the subject I have a bone to pick with you! Ifound THIS while scrolling through Twitter
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Mingi It's called fan service, babygirl
You O-Oh.... I wasn't expecting you to say that *sweats nervously* Ok bye
Mingi Wait come back :(
You Y e s ?
Mingi I'm sorry for being too sexy I love you 🥺
You I love you too 💘 Also don't be sorry I like sexy Mingi
Mingi Ah, you do? I'll be sure to show you sexy Mingi more often Just for you, princess 🫶 Also, I'm changing the subject but can I come see you? I miss you so much We're almost done with practice but I think I'll be able to sneak off when we're done
You Are you sure you won't get in trouble?
Mingi I'll be fine! We don't have anything to do anyway The guys will probably play FIFA on the PlayStation or something They like to lounge around after practice
You Okay then yes please I want you to come see me 🥺 If you can, please bring snacks too I'm a little hungry
Mingi Okay I will I'll see you soon, princess
_____________________________________ Do not steal, copy, repost, or alter any of my imagines. I work very hard on these imagines. If you want to write something inspired by my work, please ask me first
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