Rating: 14+ (for mildly suggestive content)
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
All imagines are fem!reader
• Snapchats
• Texts
• Lots of AUs (fantasy, vampire, films, etc.)
• Fluff
• Saucy moments (no smut)
Published: October 14, 2020 Rewritten: May 20, 2023
Word count: 2,574
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
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The sunlight streaming in through your bedroom window shone down on your closed eyelids, disrupting your rest and pulling you out of a deep sleep. You drowsily rolled over on your back, forcing your eyes open as they were met with the textured ceiling above. Sitting up in bed, you stretched your stiff limbs, letting out a groan before shuffling over to the balcony to get a look outside. "That was some storm last night." You commented to yourself, opening the double doors and stepping outside to assess the damage. Your droopy eyes widened when you saw the view before you; palm trees surrounding yours and your neighbors' homes had fallen down and debris littered the beach. While scanning the shore, you spotted something washed up on the beach. It looked like some kind of fish, and a sizable one at that. It's tail sported vibrant blue and yellow colors and seemed way too big to be a normal fish. Your eyes squint to get a better look and that's when you notice a head of blonde hair and what appeared to be the torso of a man. You shook your head vigorously, squeezing your eyes shut tightly before, looking a bit harder to make sure your sleep-ridden eyes weren't playing tricks on you. No way. You looked around frantically for any people that may be walking along the beach, your mind spinning, swarmed with questions. What if someone sees him? How long has he been out there? Was he still alive? There was a chance someone might've seen him already, he is lying on an open beach and he's not exactly hard to spot. Then again, if someone had seen him, hewouldn't be laid up on the sand. Shaking away your worrisome thoughts, you rushed back inside, hastily changing out of your pajamas and into a pair of shorts and a bikini top, not exactly knowing what you were going to do once you got to the unconscious merman. Due to your caring nature, you were compelled to help this beached creature, unable to just leave him washed up.
Your mind screamed at you to hurry while you slid on your flip flops, sprinting out the door as fast as your legs would carry you. You nearly tripped over your own feet as you tumbled and stumbled down the beach. As you got closer to the merman you kicked your flip flops off, not caring where they landed, rushing to his side. He was lying on his stomach, his face pale and void of any color. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." You muttered repeatedly as you flipped the man over on his back, noting how visibly weak he looked. He let out a dry, wheezy cough, his eyes just barely opening as he looked up at you. "Help me." He rasped, his voice so quiet you could hardly hear him. "It's okay. I've got you." You assured him, grunting as you hooked your arms under his and lifted him up a little. "You're gonna be okay." You were much closer to the ocean than you were your house, so you started pulling him towards the waves as fast as possible, hoping and praying that no one saw what you were doing. You lived in a fairly private area of the beach, so there wasn't a bunch of hotels lining the shore, but you can never be too careful.