Seonghwa ✦ Scrooge

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You brought your hand up, tapping your knuckles against the door of your soon-to-be home

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You brought your hand up, tapping your knuckles against the door of your soon-to-be home. The hinged barrier swung open, revealing Seonghwa, the owner of the apartment.
"Hi. It's Y/n. We went out for coffee last week to talk about me possibly being your new roommate." You told him.
"Yes, I know. I called you yesterday saying you could move your stuff in."
"Right." You chuckled, nervously. "I don't know why I said that."
"It's fine. Do you need help?"
"Yes, please. It's not much, but it'll take me a while to move it all by myself."
Seonghwa stepped aside, allowing you to roll your suitcase inside.
"Wow. This place is nice. Very spacious." You commented.
"Thanks. Let me show you to your room."
You followed him down the hallway to the empty bedroom that would soon be full of your stuff. When you saw an ad for the opening online, you were quick to contact Seonghwa because you heard the room was mostly furnished. There was a queen sized bed that just needed sheets and a comforter, a few shelves and a desk. Just the basics, but it was enough for you.
You thanked Seonghwa and placed your suitcase by a wall before leading him to your vehicle where he helped you take out boxes, carrying them up to the apartment.

As much as you wanted to talk with him and get to know your new roommate better, you couldn't. Carrying the boxes from your car and to the apartment left you breathless.
Seonghwa walked behind you, his eyes catching sight of writing on the box he was carrying. Glancing around the side, he saw the words CHRISTMAS STUFF scrawled on the box in bold sharpie. His top lip curled in disgust. Just thinking of the holiday made him want to hurl. Too much cheer, too much happiness, too much music, and too much for him. You seemed like a nice person, so he tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and attempt to look on the bright side.
She's just got this one box. She's probably not one of those overly cheerful people who are obsessed with Christmas. He thought.

You let out a huff as you set down the last box.
"Finally. Thank you for helping out."
"No problem. I'll leave you to it. If you need any assistance, just let me know."
"I will. Thanks."
Seonghwa gave you a small nod before closing the door and leaving you to yourself.
"Okay." You rubbed your hands together. "What first?"

It didn't take long for you to get settled in. Before you even knew it, you had all your boxes empty and everything was put together. You had your sheets and comforter on the bed and put all your little knickknacks and other items onto the shelves. You smiled to yourself as you took a gander around your new room. Thought you had just moved in, the place was honestly already starting to feel like home.

You had been staying with Seonghwa for almost a full month now. It was nearing the end of November and you couldn't help but notice the lack of Christmas decorations in the apartment. Normally, people would have their trees and decorations up by now, but the whole pace was bland and didn't give off any holiday cheer at all.
"I noticed you don't have any Christmas decorations." You mentioned as you waited for yours and Seonghwa's ramen to cook.
"I'm not really a Christmas person." He answered.
"Oh." You frowned. "Well, to each their own."
As you stirred the noodles in the pot of boiling water, an idea popped into your head.
You decided right then that you were going to take it upon yourself and decorate the apartment, making it look festive for the holidays.

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