Mingi ✦ Beached | Pirate AU

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Word count: 8,000

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Coughs racked your whole body, something rough and abrasive scratching your face as your body jerked with each wheeze

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Coughs racked your whole body, something rough and abrasive scratching your face as your body jerked with each wheeze.
"Hey, lady." An unfamiliar voice called.
You groaned, your eyes screwing shut as a bright light nearly blinded you.
You managed to lift your head as your eyes peeled open, squinting in the harsh sunlight. A dull ache became present near the back of your skull as you glanced around, taking in your surroundings. You quickly came to the realization that you were on a beach, but you weren't sure how you got there.

There's that voice again.
A pair of scuffed, black leather boots were planted in the sand nearby. Your eyes followed up the person's body to their face. A man was standing over you, his thick brows knit together as he stared down at you.
"Thank goodness. Are you alright?" He asked.
"I..." You trailed off. "I think so."
Your throat burned, the words scratching your windpipe like broken shells. Your hair was frizzy and stuck together, the tangled strands hanging in your face as you stared off in the distance. Your skin felt sticky and gross. Grains of sand were stuck all over you, including on your clothes which were rubbing harshly against your flesh whenever you moved.
"What's going on over there?" A new voice called, catching your attention.
A tall, slim man walked over, his long coat flapping behind him as he approached.
"I found this girl passed out here." The man answered.
The tall one glanced down at you before crouching in the sand.
"What's your name?" He asked, his caring and gentle, brown eyes gazing at you with concern.
"Y/n." You answered, wincing when you felt a burning sensation in your throat.
"Do you know how you got here?"
You shook your head.
"Are you hurt anywhere?"
The man's voice was deep, but his tone was so incredibly warm and comforting. It gave you a sense of trust, even though you didn't know him.
"I don't think so, but my head hurts." You internally cringed at the sound of your own voice. It sounded so weak and scratchy.
"Let me see. Can you sit up?"
You nodded, pushing yourself into a sitting position and allowing the man to examine your head.
That doesn't sound good.
"You've got a pretty big bump on the back of your head. Do you remember what happened?"
"No. I don't."
"Well, that's common for people with head injuries."
"Captain." The man who found you spoke up. "What do we do?"
"We're going to bring her with us. We can't just leave her here."
The man previously referred to as captain, turned to you with those same gentle eyes.
"Will you come with us?"
You nodded your head. Seeing as you didn't know any places to go, this seemed like the best option.
"Come on, then. I'll help you up."
The man placed his hands under your arms and hoisted you to your feet.
"My name is Mingi, by the way. Captain Mingi."
"Are you a pirate?" is what you wanted to ask but thanks to your voice giving out slightly, it came out like, "You pirate?"
"I am. You should keep the talking to a minimum until we get back on the ship. Sounds like your throat is pretty dry."

Mingi and his crew mate helped get you onto the ship where you were taken to the sick bay.
"This is Yeonjun. He's the doctor on the ship."
The young male gave a friendly smile.
"She's got a bump on her head. I need you to take care of that and get her cleaned up." Mingi told him.
"Yes, captain."
"Oh, and get her some water."
"Will do, captain."
"Yeonjun will take good care of you. I'll be back later to check in. Will you be alright?"
You trusted the kind captain, nodding your head in understanding. The doctor led you to a small cot, guiding you to sit down.
"Let me get you that water." He moved over to a cabinet, retrieving a large bottle and a small bowl, pouring some of the bottled contents into it.
"Here you go. Drink that."
You took the bowl from him, sniffing the liquid.
"It's water. There's a little rum and lime in it to keep it fresh. It'll hydrate you."
You took a couple small sips, allowing the liquid to slide down your dry throat and refresh it. After that, you downed the rest of it, setting the empty bowl aside.
"Do you feel better?" Yeonjun questioned.
You nodded.
"Good. Now, let me check out your head."
You allowed him to move your hair around and feel over your scalp.
"Oh. That's quite a bump. It seems like you cut your head as well."
"It hurts."
"I know." He frowned. "But you'll be alright. I just need to clean the wound."

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