Hongjoong ✦ Savior | Merman AU

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Published: August 12, 2020
Rewritten: May 20, 2023

Word count: 4,840

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

It was the start of summer break and some friends of yours decided to take a boat out on the water that day to celebrate

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It was the start of summer break and some friends of yours decided to take a boat out on the water that day to celebrate. The weather was superb; warm, but not suffocatingly hot and not too breezy either.

You cracked open a cold can of soda and leaned back on the built-in bench at the front of the boat.
"This is nice, isn't it?" Jaehyun asked from his position at the wheel.
"It sure is." Johnny sighed contently, sliding his sunglasses on and leaning back in a relaxed manner.
"Dude, can you even drive this thing?" Mark asked Jaehyun.
He scoffed. "Of course I can. This is my parents' boat. You think I never learned how to operate it?"
"Yes." Mark answered bluntly.
"Hey, why don't we play some music?" You suggested, switching subjects before the two could start bickering.
"Ah. I brought my speaker." Johnny announced, digging around in his bag. "DJ Papa John in the house!"
"Don't ever say that again." You told him.
"Why not? It's cool—isn't it?"
"No." Jaehyun and Mark shook their heads.
"Wow. Thanks guys." He muttered.
Johnny retrieved his phone, tapping on the screen a few times before music started playing through his portable speaker.
"There's a fruit tray and some snacks inside if you guys want some food." Jaehyun mentioned. "I brought all sorts of stuff to snack on."
"Oh sweet!" Mark jumped up from his seat and started heading down the steps into the boat.
You gazed out at the ocean and took in the view, watching the crests of the waves rise and fall, the sunlight catching on the water's surface making it look like a million shimmering diamonds. The moment was blissful; listening to music while looking out at the ocean, the breeze blowing through your hair as the vessel sailed forward. It was absolute paradise.

"I got the snacks." Mark announced pulling you from your short-lived moment of peace.
He carried the armful of junk food to the table, laying it out messily. Jaehyun stopped the boat and turned off the engine before joining the three of you.
"Hand me that bag of chips." He pointed.
Johnny tossed the snack to him, which he caught.
"What do you want, Y/n?"
"I want that fruit tray." You answered reaching for the plastic platter.
Once it was in your possession, you pulled the lid off and popped a few grapes into your mouth, savoring their sweet and refreshing taste. There was truly nothing like fresh fruit on a warm summer day.
"Thanks for inviting us out, Jaehyun." You told the brunette.
"Yeah thanks." Johnny added.
"You're welcome. I just thought it would be a nice way to start off the summer."
"It is." You smiled. "It's perfect."

After having a few snacks, the four of you took the party to the back of the boat. You sat on the edge of the vessel while Mark told you all some elaborate story about how he once met a famous Kpop idol—allegedly. No one really believed him.
"Yeah right." Johnny snorted.
"No dude, I swear it was her!" Mark insisted.
"Do you have pictures?" Jaehyun questioned.
"No. I was too scared to try and take a picture."
"He's lying." Johnny pointed. "Pics or it didn't happen."
You chuckled amusedly, shaking your head at their antics.
"I'm not lying." Mark argued. "I saw her with my own two eyes, man."
"Oh I love this song!" Jaehyun spoke up, putting an end to their little debate.
The volume got turned up louder before he started dancing to the music. Mark and Johnny were quick to join, all three of you forgetting about his Kpop idol story.
"C'mon, Y/n." Johnny held his hand out to you. "Let's dance."
You grabbed hold and allowed him to pull you to your feet so you could join in on the fun. The four of you were dancing with reckless abandon, none of you really going with the song as you bounced about the deck. Being on beat didn't matter when you were having fun, anyways.
You were jumping around the boat and swinging your head from side to side, throwing your arms up in the air. You were so caught up in the moment, you weren't paying attention to where you were going, unknowingly dancing closer to the edge of the vessel. Next thing you knew, your foot was slipping off the back of the boat and you were falling backwards.
A yelp ripped from your throat as you plummeted into the ocean. Your body hit the water with a loud splash and you instantly started thrashing around, kicking your legs wildly, trying desperately to get back to the surface.
You had only been in the water for a couple seconds when you felt something brush against your leg, sending you into a panic. Your eyes urgently searched your surroundings, not really seeing anything, just a blue blur. Suddenly, a flash of red swam past, making your heart jump into your throat.
What was that?
Before you could really start panicking, something pressed against your back, pushing you upwards. You were quick to forget about it when you emerged from the water, gasping for air, the only thing on your mind being getting on solid ground.

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