3 - Subject Zero

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Howard was still edging up the dial, ten by ten by ten, you could see Steve wincing and becoming uncomfortable in the chamber, you were stood with your back to Howard, arms crossed watching intently.

But once you saw Steve’s discomfort, you turned back to Howard filled with concern and worry.

Howard looked back at you with an understanding look but nodded to ease you, it didn’t.

You turned back to the chamber and saw Steve was getting worse. You turned and glanced up at the viewing room and saw Peggy had the same look you did.

“We need to stop Howard, it’s hurting him” you whisper in desperation to Howard.

“No, no, it’s okay. He’s okay, loo-“ Howard tries to reassure.

“AARRRGHHHHH” Steve screams out in pain, everyone immediately reacts, including Erskine. Peggy bangs on the window for it to stop, Erskine comes bursting back into the lab.

“HOWARD TURN THE DAMN THING OFF” you shout at Howard in a blind panic, looking back between Howard and the chamber. “HOWARD NOW! It’s not worth taking his life, turn. It. Off” you roar at Howard.

“No” Steve shouts from the chamber.

You and Howard both look up at the chamber.

“Steve, it’s okay” you plead.

“No, don’t turn it off. I can do this. Please Howard, keep going.” Steve begs through the winces of pain.

You turn to Howard, who looks at you with sorrowful eyes before looking at Erskine who gives a nod to go ahead. You turn round and run your hands through your hair, filled with dread.

You watch as Howard turns the dial up to 100, hearing Steve scream in pain from the radiation and then you watch his face disappear as the chamber fills with the fumes of and then Howard reaches 100 on the dial and the silence fills the room.

The anticipation.

Then there’s a click of the chamber doors opening, the fumes escape and evaporate into the air, almost in slow-motion and there stood Steve.

The 5ft, petite, scrawny man, was 6ft, muscular and toned. You and Howard shared a look of disbelief, but it was short lived as Steve lent forward and nearly fell out of the chamber.

Howard and a few other workers caught him, easing him out of the chamber. You got some water and a towel to wipe himself off from the sweat that was covering his exposed toned torso. He was breathless and a little dazed, but managed to focus when you handed him some water.

“D-d-did it work?” Steve asks in between breathes.

You giggle “Well you’re looking down at me now, rather than being level with me, so you tell me?” you smirk raising an eyebrow.

Howard smirks and laughs with you, beaming with pride and happiness.

Steve looks down himself and smiles “It worked. So what can I do now? What happens next?” Steve asks excitedly.

“Easy there private, we have to run physicals, medicals, get you a new wardrobe and make sure you are going to be a healthy man before we get you started on anything else” Erskine advises from the back of the room.

“You’ll be spending some time with my partner in crime pal, don’t piss her off. Not even a super soldier serum could save you” Howard jokes.

You narrow your eyes before playfully hitting him in the arm. “I’m in charge of making sure that serum only alters the genetic makeup it’s supposed to, nothing else. So, I will be keeping a close eye on you.” You say smiling at him.

“And I will be running the campaign to get you out there” Peggy steps in, like a dog on heat and basically drooling.

Steve is sat down, cooling down and taking a minute to take it all in, giving Howard some time to leave him.

You’re stood at the panel looking at Steve and everyone fawning over him, in complete awe.

“We-we did it!” Howard says excitedly, you give a wide smile and have tears filling your eyes, nodding furiously in response.

“WE DID IT!!” Howard shouts in complete joy, before picking you up in the air and spinning you around.

You both laughing in unison as you clung to his neck, burying your face.

Howard drops you and cups your face, you place your hands on top of his, letting the happy tears fall. “Yes we did Mr Stark, it worked!” you chuckle.

“Well done you two. I would have never been able to apply this to animals, let alone humans without your intellect. I’m immensely proud and happy for you both” Erskine states proudly at the side of you.

Howard removes one of his hands from your face to shake Erskine’s hand “Always happy to help you my old friend”. Erskine smiles before returning to Steve.

Howards comes back to cupping your face and kisses your forehead. “Couldn’t have done this without you, nugget. No one else I’d want to share this amazing development with” Howard beaming with more pride and admiration.

“Right back at you, lucky charm” you pull him into a hug and catch a glimpse at the looks Steve and Peggy were giving you and Howard, but brush it to one side and close your eyes, holding your bestfriend tighter.

-Peggy and Steve’s perspective-

Howard has just spun around in a tight hug.

“Here we go again” Peggy says rolling her eyes.

“Not a fan of those two, huh?” Steve quizzes as he sips his water.

“Him yes, her, yes, the two together, absolutely not.” Peggy explains.

Steve turns his head slightly to look her with furrowed brows. “Forgive me, I’m a little out of it at the minute, but how can you like them individually but not together?” Steve questions.

“They are both amazing, intelligent people. But I just wish they didn’t come as a package deal” Peggy says through gritted teeth.

“So they are together” Steve digs deeper.

“I mean, I’ve never had confirmation. But just look” Howard had cupped your face and had kissed your forehead and you were looking at him with tears in your eyes and you were laughing together.

“So, you and Howard then?” he gives her a smirk.

She dips her head and sighs “I wish. Since he met Erskine and Erskine introduced us to work together for S.H.I.E.L.D’s agenda, I was instantly attracted to him but had to play it off. Everyone knows about Howard Stark the womaniser billionaire tech god. But I wanted more, but then when I was planning on making my move after a few weeks of meetings. I met her” she glares at you.

Whereas Steve looks at you, eyes filled with curiosity and admiration.

“Well, she told me that they were just bestfriends. Her parents-“ Steve tries to reassure.

“I’ve heard the story Steve, but no one is that close for people who haven’t got feelings for one another. I don’t understand why they hide the relationship status, when they make it so plainly obvious something is going on” Peggy says in defeat.

She looks at you both with sad eyes and face reading in jealousy and hatred. Steve watches on in pure curiosity.

Locking eyes with you before you close them to enjoy the moment with the man you are blessed to call your bestfriend.

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