22 - The Penny Drops

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-Howard's Perspective-

You go to grab a decanter from the Colonel's desk, it was filled with an amber liquid, you didn't care what kind of liquer it was. You just needed a drink.

"HOWARD! Evie made herself quite clear" Peggy spits out at you.

You scoff, shaking your head. You had your back to the entrance of his tent, so she couldn't see your face.

"And since when did you care what Evie says? You've never listened to her before."

"And look where that's got me. When she comes back if you stink of alcohol she will kill me. Quite literally this time. So stop being your arrogant, obnoxious, childish self and put the decanter down."

You furrow your brows and turn your head to look at her over your shoulder. She was stood with her hands on her hips, frowning right back at you.

You put the decanter down with a bang, you watch her jump a little. But that didn't bother you.

"Leave me alone Margaret." You hiss at her, storming out from the Colonel's tent and heading straight for the communication tent.

"Still nothing Mr Stark, we will let you know once we hear anything. Try and get some rest, they could be a while." A soldier shouts to you before you even reach the tent.

"Thank you" You whisper before aimlessly walking around the camp, thinking of what you could do.

So you do the only thing you know. You work. Writing up reports on Steve and the serum, the work you and Evie developed and wrote together, including findings, research, data, statements from Steve, from the Colonel. You were building a portfolio for the future generations. But you were doing it alone.

You stop, your eyes were blurred with tears, you rest your elbows on the desk and run your fingers from your hair, in frustration. Screaming out the pain in your gut.

"Why did I let her go?" You whisper to yourself. "Why couldn't I have just told her?!" The tears fall, your breathing shallows and you can feel your stomach twisting at the thoughts running through your head.

What if something happens to her? What if she never comes back? What if... what if... what if...

You were angry with yourself, furious even. You let your bestfriend walk onto a plane to a Hydra base in the middle of a war, for research.

Only she wasn't just your bestfriend.

She was the love of your life. That's why you were so angry with yourself. When you saw her father hurting her, something switched in you, there was no stopping you from getting him back for hurting your girl.

Nothing. She meant the world and more to you and you never told her. She only knows you for the playboy you've been your entire friendship, but when it came to her, she deserved better. Deserved more.

You stand and push everything off the table in an all consuming anger, screaming. You start destroying the tent, throwing things, kicking the cabinets, letting everything out. Until you rest the palms of your hands on the desk, breathing deeply.

"Howard what on earth are you doing?" Peggy asks in concern.

"Why the fuck did I let her go Peggy?" You cry out.

"Howard she's going to be okay." She tries to comfort you, speaking softly.

"And how do you know that? Huh?" You roar back at her.

"Howard." She whispers.

"She-She, god. She is everything to me. I can't lose her." You finally admit to someone.

"You honestly think none of us knew that? Howard you only have to watch you, with her or even around her to know that." Peggy confesses.

You look up at her, she looked pained. You fill with guilt.

"Peggy I'm-"

She raises her hand and shakes her head "don't be. I wanted to. Everyone knows me and her don't get along. But I saw the way she looks at you Howard. The feelings are 100% mutual, she just realised her feelings a lot sooner than you. She hates me because she didn't admit them before we-" Peggy explains, her cheeks flushing as she did.

"So you, you intentionally did that to mess with her?" You furrows your brows. Watching her carefully.

"It's terrible I know. But-"

"But what Peggy? I'm not innocent in this I know. But Jesus seducing me to get a reaction out of her? Why?"

"I don't know. She gets under my skin. She has it all, she's so damn perfect all the time I wanted her to drop a peg or two. But even in anger she still got everything. Everyone was proud of her even for the way she got with me."

You scoff "wow she really was right about you." You begin walking out and as you pass her.

"She had what's called respect Peggy. Something you just lost with me." You whisper to her and watch her dip her head.

"MR STARK. MR STARK." A young soldier shouts.


"It's Colonel Asher. They're on the plane. They're coming back."

Your eyes widen, your heart racing. You glance back at Peggy and she seemed overjoyed at the news which admittedly shocked you.

You both run to the communication tent. You could hear the transmissions from the plane, but it was crackly, intermittent even, it was hard to get a full sentence from the Colonel.

"Eme-emerg-emeg- land-lan--do-you-c-c-copy?" Is all you could hear.

Then a crash. You all turn and see smoke rising in the near distance. Then the transmission made sense.

"Emergency landing." A Sargeant whispers.

Even in an army base in the middle of a war, if a pin dropped you could of heard it as everyone watched in anticipation for everyone to return.

"HERE THEY ARE!" A soldier shouts at the edge of camp.

And there they were. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw Steve marching proudly with a tall, built man with rugged brown hair and a proud smile, tapping Steve's shoulder. With the 107th and their squad marching behind.

You also saw a couple of stretchers with the bodies covered being carried. Your heart sank a little but you gathered from Steve's body language neither were Evie so you could settle.

Then you realised. You didn't see her. Fear set in instantly.

There were cheers, congratulations, welcome back, let's hear it for Captain america being shouted from the camp as they were all guided to medic tents, food, water, changes of clothes.

You watched as Steve and Bucky headed towards you. The sorrow etched on Steve's face confirmed your worst fear.

"She didn't make it out did she?" You ask before he can speak.

"I'm so sorry Howard. She-sh,-" his voice breaks and he dips his head.

The reaction from you both prompts Bucky to speak up. "She helped us get on the plane and just as we did, more fire came for us. She got Steve on the plane and shouted for the Colonel to go. As she did, she reached in and pressed the emergency button to close the door... it happened so fast we couldn't stop her. I'm sorry Mr Stark."

"Don-dont be. That's my Evie, giving her life to help others. She wouldn't be her if she didn't pull a stunt like this." You force out a laugh.

"Wheres the Colonel?"

"He took an armed truck, he's going back to look for her. He feels responsible."

"If he finds her, she'll kill him for risking his life for her." You laugh a little more, shaking your head.

"She better come back." You whisper to yourself, before sitting down, the news finally sinks in and you let out a sob. "Come back to me please Evie."

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