32 - I'm Allowed to Worry

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It's been a few more hours since Howard confronted you about going to see Peggy and since he had a frightened look on his face.

You're now back at home, curled up in the corner of your large, black Chesterfield sofa, in a blanket. You had been watching Howard carefully as he continued investigating Bucky's situation.

"Howard, what's going on with you?" You ask.

"What do you mean?" He replies, not lifting his head from the papers.

"You gave me a look back in my office earlier. Like you were saying goodbye or that something was bothering you. I want to know what that was about." You demand, firm yet still giving a hint of concern to not antagonise him.

"I er-it-it" He clears his throat "it was nothing."

"Well that was articulate." You spit out, shaking your head. You watch as Howard goes back to his papers.

"Tell me Howard." You yell completely aggravated.

"It was nothing Evie." He shoots back at you.

"It was obviously something because you can't even bare to look at me Howard. What am I to think?" You ask trying to pry a reaction out of him.

"Evelyn. There was no look. You're reading too much into a very heated moment. Thats all."

You sit dumbfounded. Howard was one of the few men to never insult your intellect or question anything you saw or interpretated even if it wasn't right, he'd talk it out with you. It was rare you got this kind of response before.

Only when he was... when he was hiding something... a scandal, a lie, something that would hurt you, so the lies would act.

Your mind begins to race, what could it be.


"Evelyn would you please stop mithering me about it. It was a look, one you misinterpreted. Please."

In frustration you throw your blanket off you, storming upstairs.

As you reach the top of the stairs the extended landing stood before you. Left was to the spare room, right was to yours and Howard's room.

You take a deep breathe, turning to see if he had followed you... but he hadn't... so you went left.

-Howard's Perspective-

Evelyn's just got up and stormed out. Your stomach sank, your heart was breaking but you had a bigger goal to get to. You had to wait it out.

You knew the sound of the floorboards above if she went into your room, if there was silence after the shuffling of her socks against the marble floor, you knew you'd succeeded.

"Come on Evie, be your stubborn self..." You mutter to yourself. "Yes."

The lack of creaks above after the shuffling had stopped confirmed she went into the other room... perfect cover that you needed.

You knew Evie, she'd be stubborn as hell and wouldn't speak to you until you told her your issue and since your issue was you needed her to believe youd never follow her to the visit with Peggy, you could handle it.

Jarvis comes in and clears his throat.

"All go according to plan sir?" He whispers.

"For now. She's gone off rather cross and has gone into thr spare room. This is killing me J, it really is, I hate arguing with her at the best of times, but now when I've finally got her... but she'd never left me come with her to that visit and I know she's going to need me. I need to be there and her thinking I won't follow her because we're fighting is my only way."

"Are you sure about that sir?"

"Just watch for the next few days, she won't speak to me. Won't look at me and she won't be coming into work and coming home with me, because she won't be looking for me."

"How do you know this sir?" Jarvis was genuinely confused.

"Watched her with past boyfriends and we had one colossal fight years ago and I got this exact treatment."

"Will she not be cross you've tricked her into this?" Jarvis further quizzes.

"Of course she will. But I'd rather her be cross about that, than traumatised because she needed me and I wasn't there. I mean besides J, what kind of partner would I be if I weren't there for my girl."

"Very good sir. Here's to hoping all goes well."

-A week later, back to Evie's perspective-

As Howard predicted, you ignored him for the entire week. Walking past him in the lab, ignoring him all day every day, any way you could. Which meant finding an alternative way back and to, to work.

Wasn't easy, but you couldn't bare to look at him.

"He's hiding something Steve." You bark out.

Steve hides a small smirk, him and Bucky were in on it too. They wanted him to be there, because they knew you'd want him there, even if you didn't know it yourself.

"Maybe he didn't he realise he made the face and it really is nothing." Steve jokes back.

"Or he loves someone else, as well as me and is conflicted to he wants to be with and doesn't know how to tell me." Your voice breaks and tears prick your eyes as you settle into your chair.

Steve's face goes pale and his breathing quickens. He comes round your desk and pulls you into a hug. Stroking you hair and telling you to breathe.

"Now my darling, go home and get some rest. Okay, it'll be fine. That man worships you. You know that." Steve encourages.

You nod, wiping the tears from your face, as you stand and put your coat on. You make your way home and head to bed, following Steve's suggestion, you cosy up in the large fluffy duvet, getting you perfectly snug. You eventually draft off into am effortless sleep, as tiredness overwhelms you.

-Howard's Perspective

Steve comes barrelling into your office causing you to jump, your heart now racing and pounding out of your chest.

"Jesus Rogers. What's up? I'm still working on buckys progress, were close okay. I promise."

"I'm not here for that, although that's brilliant news. Im here about Evie." Steve gasps out.

"What about my darling girl." Howard grins, proud of his accomplishment, thus far.

"She thinks you love someone else and can't decide between her and them, that's why you were so down and worried when you told her you loved her."

Your stomach drops, you feel your knees buckle and wobble beneath you as Steve catches you. You were in a daze, mixture of panic, worry and pain.

She knew you better than that or was your playboy nature too much to forget or overcome.

"I need to end this now. Its not worth losing her over. I'll be back pal, thanks for telling me."

"Anytime. Go get her."

"She ain't going anywhere." Howard says determined as he leaves his office.

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