4 - Shortlived Joy

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You and Howard calm down and compose yourselves. Howard turns around to walk back to Steve and Peggy but stops and loops his arm over your shoulders pulling you with him.

“So how do you feel now pal?” Howard quizzes Steve.

You can’t help but laugh. “Give the man time to adjust Howard, he’s literally just caught his breath. Did you remember to bring the hoodie with you?” you ask Howard, raising an eyebrow.

You are immediately met with a guilt ridden look, you roll your eyes and go back to the panel to retreave your bag, pulling a grey hoodie from it. You give Howard a judgemental smirk and go to hand Steve the hoodie.

“Memory like a fish, for a genius it’s quite concerning.” You joke with Howard. “Here Steve, we’re going to get you in a more comfortable place, back at our headquarters. It’s a little cold out there, so take this” Steve gently takes the hoodie from you, rising to his feet and pulled it over his head.

Peggy nearly breaks her neck and almost falls off the chair to get a glimpse at his turso as he stretched his arms to pull it over his head.

You shake your head and cross your arms in response to it. But then you catch Howard’s face, he hated every second of it.

“Peggy, I wonder if you could ensure there is a safe transit to the head quarters please? I would assume we would need quite the escort as this is the development of this century” you order with a smug smile.

“Hm, Ye-yes you’re quite right, I will get on that right away. Gentlemen, excuse me.” She strides away and back up the stairs out of the lab.

You feel Howard subtly grab onto your hand and give it a tight squeeze, you give him a side eyed look and smile, he knew what that was about.

“Right pal, let’s get you going”. Howard says kindly to Steve, patting his back.

“Has-has anyone seen Erskine? He disappeared after congratulating us?” you question.

“Oh he went into that room there” Steve directs you.

“Thank you, go on ahead. Me and Erskine will follow you out. Please don’t bombard him with questions, ideas and technical stuff Howard. Let him ask the questions” saying sternly to Howard.

You see his head wobble slightly, you knew he was mimicking you to mock your bossy attitude. “Howard Stark, don’t think you’re fooling me. I mean it, he asks the questions. You zip it” you bark back to him as he ascends the stairs with Steve.

You hear Steve laugh, wholeheartedly. “Yes dear, of course dear, whatever you say dear” Howard shouts back sarcastically, timing it perfectly for as he walked through the door and it shut behind him.

You sigh, smiling to yourself and shaking your head. You tidy up around the lab, making it presentable and then push the handle down for the private room you and Howard went in earlier that day.

“Erskine, we’re going. Ersk- oh my god” you become breathless and your eyes filled with tears. You drop everything in your hands and run to Erskine who was slumped in a seat behind the door.

“ERSKINE! WAKE UP!” you were shaking him ferociously.

But his body was limp, he wasn’t responding. You burst into tears, your heart was aching for Howard, he was so close to him, he was a friend and just like that he was gone.

“He was ill for a long time Miss Miller, he just wanted to see this achieved before he died. You and Mr Stark gave him that. No one was supposed to find him, I’m sorry you’ve had to see this” an associate of Erskine speaks at the door.

“Evelyn, what are you doing?! You got another man in here? If so I will be very unhappy you didn’t tell me” you hear Howard joke from the lab.

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