21 - Hydra

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-Steve's perspective in the base-

You were shaking, nerves had overcome you as you tredged through the snow and woodlands to the steel door in a large concrete structure.

A hand gently grasps your shoulder "Let's get the bastards Captain" spoke one of your soldiers.

You smile, nod "Watch your language Private. But I agree, let's finish this".

You look behind you, nodding your head towards the door, you all charge towards the door, using the shield Evie and Howard gave you, you break the bolt on the door and kick it open.

Lifting the shield towards your face and extending a gun ahead of you, you and your men enter and immediately come into contact with a few Hydra agents.

In a split second they were taken down, by the impressive marksmen ship of the men you were leading.

"Okay alpha team, go right. Bravo team, go left. The rest of you, follow me. Stay together, and remember what Miss Miller said.."

"Search all areas big enough to fit men" a Sargeant speaks up.

You smile and nod. As you watch the two groups jog away in a tight formation either side of you. Once again you nod behind you and carry on moving forward.

Then you hear a crackle. You turn your head abruptly and furrow your brows at a private behind you with the portable radio transceiver on.

"Private, what is going on? I thought that was switched off?" You question.

"It-it is the base sir. They've had Intel that a large majority of the 107th is being kept in a boiler room of some kind."

"Very good. Now switch that thing off before it-"

"AMERICAN SOLDIERS AT THE BACK ENTRANCE!" A voice shouts from the railings above your head and you hear gun fire echoing through the gigantic building. Bouncing off the walls making it impossible to locate the specific area it was coming from.

"Nevermind. SOLDIERS LETS GO!" You shout as you all charge forwards, creating a circle each of you had your backs turned against one another as you shot and fired at anyone who came towards you.

Bullets were scraping and pinging off the metal in the area, the large canister of what looks like used to be used for a water mill.

You take cover behind one of them as a machine is coursing rapid fire at you all.

"Captain. The boiler room it's ahead!" One soldier shouts through the fire and rickashays of bullets echoing around you.

"Edwards! I was told you're a hell of a shot. Do you think you could get that gunman with the machine gun?" You ask.

"With pleasure Captain." Edwards says with a chilling smirk. As he gets himself ready, he takes a breathe and waits for the gunman to need to reload.

He rounds the back of the container you were hiding behind and two shots, you hear bodies thump to the ground. He stands and walks towards the boiler room, with a swagger.

"Let's get the 107th Captain." He says smirking.

Then a fire and another. Everyone ducks, and you hear a gasp. As you look up, you see Edwards stumbling towards you, gripping his stomach, as he collapses you catch him.

"I'm sorry Captain I-I-I missed you. I got that bast-sorry language" He smiles, before choking on his own blood, as it comes seeping out of his mouth.

"Stay with us Edwards, come on. MEDIC!!!!" You scream in pain.

You feel a hand grip your forearm, as yiu look, it was Edwards trying to get yiur attention.

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