6 - Next Steps

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“Apologises for the delay Steve, there was a-“ you try to explain but are cut off by a righteous Peggy.

“Save your excuses, you’ve wasted enough of our time here Evelyn.” Making it obvious that it pained her to say your name.

Howard dips his head and lets out a laugh, as he shakes his head. “Steve pal, I’d come over here for a second” he directs, as he gently pulls on Steve’s sleeve.

“What is it, Howard?” he questions, genuinely confused.

“Just wait” he sniggers out again and they both watch on intently. Howard crosses his arms and slightly separates his legs, enjoying the spectacle that was about to erupt.

“Okay, little Miss Perfect, listen up because I really do not like repeating myself. Specially to entitled, little daddy’s girls like you” you roar out, stepping closer to her, forcing to slightly step backwards. “Your high and mighty attitude might of worked to get you in the army, to get you up the ranks, to be a secret agent in a new and upcoming government agency, but in my building, in my lab, you take your ass off that pedestal you’ve placed yourself on and you shut your damn mouth” you raise your voice at the last sentence, making those who weren’t used to you, including Steve, whip their heads up and go wide eyed.

Steve glances at Howard, giving a concerned look “She’s not done, just keep watching. You want to know who you’re dealing with; this is Evelyn Miller in her full passionate, determined and strong glory” Howard beams with pride. Steve gives a small smile before returning to the fight.

“So, if you want to continue working here, on this project, you know your place Agent Carter. You may have been one of the people to identify he was the perfect candidate, but I am one of the scientists making this project a success and putting money in your pocket and getting your agency the recognition it needs. So, if I want to take all damn morning I will, if Howard wants to deal with a predator who assaults me in the foyer, we damn well will. Because without us you’re pushing pencils in an army base someone sweetheart. You got it?” you speak with condescension that makes your own skin crawl, but she infuriated you and you only had so much patience for pomposity.

Peggy rapidly nods her head, you turn on your heel and see Stark’s smirk under his hand, trying to hide his smile and Steve was staring at you in awe.

“Gentlemen. As I was saying Steve, apologises for the delay a degenerate hit my behind in the foyer and my boxing champion here was gracious enough to defend my honour” you see Steve’s eyes fill with concern and what you think is anger, flicking his head between you and Stark, you raise your hand “Easy Captain, Howard handled it. Now uniforms for you and your teams” you speak excitedly.

“Erm, sorry not to speak out of turn, but he won’t actually be going to war” Peggy speaks timidly and looks up at Howard for support. You are in disbelief to what you’re hearing and also turn to Howard for confirmation that she was being absurd.

“She’s right Evie, he’s going to be doing propaganda and morale tours, that’s what I was going to tell you earlier” Howard tries to lighten the mood but your face falls, and you weren’t the only one.

“Excuse me” Steve breathes out, holding back his tears but his voice was full of disappointment.

“No guesses for who’s bright idea this was” scowling at Peggy.

“Evie, darling.” Howard reaches for you, but you flinch away from him.

“No, not this time Howard. You might as well not give Steve that serum. He wanted this to give him a chance, a real chance to do the one thing he dreamed of. To fight for his country and you are using him as what? A walking, talking poster? I’m disgusted in you Stark, you stooped way too low on this one. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a super soldier to check on. Unbelieveable.” You roll your eyes and storm off after Steve.

You walk out the building and frantically look side to side, when you catch Steve crouched down against the wall of the building, knees upto his cheat, head buried with his arms wrapped over the top of his head. You sigh and slowly walk to him.

“Mind if I join you?” speaking gently, to not startle him.

Steve raises his head from his arms and nods subtly, burying his head straight away.

But you caught the raw red colour of his eyes and the sparkle from the pooled water under his eyes as the sun hit them.

You carefully lower yourself onto the floor, leaning against the wall, your legs crossed in front of you and your hands resting in your lap.

“For the record, this is the worst idea Howard has ever had and I am so sorry that you had your hopes up for what you’d become to what they’ve given you” you start picking at your nails and looking at your lap, it was your tell for when you felt guilty.

You close your eyes and sigh, you feel another hand placed on top of yours, then you feel the soft, supple feel of his thumb brushing against the back of your hand.

As you raise your head, you turn to look at him and he was already looking at you with a small sympathetic smile.

“Thank you. For coming out here, I really appreciate it. What do we do now?” Steve asks carefully.

You think for a second, before jumping up with a wide smile. “Come on Captain stand to attention” you order him with a smile and a wink.

Steve quickly follows his orders, standing tall, head held high, legs firmly together with his hands behind his back, looking like a complete natural. You take a step back and can’t help but admire him.

“At ease soldier” you say seductively, unintentionally.

“If they want to make plans without telling either of us, time for us to do the same. I have more influence than my dear bestfriend realises. So, lets use it to our advantage. First step though, are you willing to go along with the charade and farce of this propaganda business?” you raise an eyebrow and give a devilish smirk.

“From your expressions Miss Miller, am I right to presume that me going along with the propaganda is vital to your plan working?” Steve caught onto you quickly, it impressed you.

“Well Mr Rogers, you are a fast learner and you know a thing or two about women” you wink and turn back towards the doors, you look over your shoulder and shout “left, right soldier. Quick march” and as expected Steve followed his orders, with enthusiasm.

You both enter the lab and immediately capture the attention of Howard and Peggy, you both came to a stop and as if natural instinct, Steve placed his arm around your back and gently presses his hand against the small of your back.

Howard noticed and took a deep breathe.

You smirk, before looking up at him, with him looking down at you in sync, both smiling at one another.

As you dramatically turn your head back towards Peggy and Howard.

“So, what’s the plan?” Steve asks as convincingly as he could.

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