17 - Operation Bucky Barnes

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You and Steve walk out of your office, talking over the details in the file, completely engrossed in it. Walking side by side.

"Wha-whats going on? Why are people packing up our stuff Evie?" Howard chimes in from behind you.

You briefly look up and over your shoulder, "we're going to Austria."

"But that's not in the schedule Evelyn" spoke HER voice.

"I'm well aware Margaret. I however, don't care. There is something more important and time sensitive, so you two can either come along or stay here and pout" you stop turning to face Howard "together".

You continue walking and direct Steve to another room, filled with uniforms.

"Evie, you didn't" He was speakless.

"Of course, take your pick Captain. I was less stars and stripes than the actual designers but" before you can finish your sentence he pulls you into a tight hug.

"They're perfect. Thank you"

You smile "Well then, suit up Captain. We've got a mission to get on with".

You leave the room, still holding onto the file and you stride through the lab, giving orders to movers, what to take and what to leave.

Then you feel the folder being ripped from your hand.

"Wha-Seriously?" You roll your eyes and fold your arms.

"I want to see what's so vital in Austria that you're cancelling this tour.. AGAIN Evie." She scans the pages as you stand in front of her.

"So nothing? There's no reason in here to be cancelling this tour Evie. I have plans for me and Howard whilst we're in France, can't your jealous little attitude wait until that's done?" she goes to walk off, having slapped the folder back at you.

You hadn't realised by Steve had come out in his uniform to get your opinion and Howard was at a nearby desk behind you.

You grab her by the arm pulling her back to you.

"Er-excuse me Evelyn, what do you think you're doing?" She smooths herself down, flicking your hair.

"Reminding you of your place, again Agent Carter. You might have your grubby claws dug into my bestfriend so far he can't see you for what you are, but don't think you have me fooled. You don't care about any of this, about Steve or even Howard because IF you did. You'd of noticed that this file contains the phrase "Steve was my bestfriend""

You watch as her eyes go wide and she runs pale and you scoff in response.

"Exactly what I thought. As I said, it's time sensitive and more important than you parading him around like a show pony, which by the way he's too good to be doing anyway. I only went along with it for this long because my mind has been pre-occupied. But now? You've stood in my way too long."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes "who do you think Howard will listen to? His weak bestfriend or the girl who gives him what he wants? You're not good enough for him, you're not worth the likes of Howard Stark. Even your father knew that"

You feel the anger bubble in your stomach and what comes next was a reflex. You back hand her across the face, with a loud connection.

"You are a slimy, manipulative, spoiled bitch and I will make it my mission to make sure he sees you for the money grabbing, trophy wannabe, piece of crap you truly are Carter."

You grip her by her chin and look her square in the eye, as you see the bruising forming and her eyes watering.

"You get in my way to help Steve again or try and degrade my friendship with Howard, a slap across your face is the least of your worries. Now hurry along little girl, your makeup is smearing" you throw her to side and fix yourself, as you look up and turn, you see Howard looking at you.

"Shit" you mutter.

But the smirk that finds it way to his face, makes your heart melt. He winks at you and just returns to the finishing touches of the shield. You sigh and look to your side.

Steve was giving you the same look, which made you heart skip a beat. Then you see his outfit.

"Damn Rogers. Those shows outfits did not do you justice. Let's get that shield and make sure you're comfortable with it. Howard!"

Howard was already there, and hands Steve the shield and it slides onto his arm perfectly.

You and Howard share a look, he puts his arm round you and pulls you into him, kissing your forehead as he whispers to you "I'm proud of you, nugget".

Steve beams at you and as Howard looks away for a second, he winks at you, making you swat at him. "Stop it" You mouth to him, making Steve burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Peggy asks sheepishly.

"Nothing that concerns you Agent Carter" Howard replies.

"Howie?" She says in shock.

And you can't help the barrell of laughter that escapes you... and apparently Steve. Peggy glares at you and folds her arms.

"Something amusing Miss Miller?" She scowls.

"You know exactly what's funny. I'll leave you kids to sort out your drama, Steve come on. We're leaving shortly. Howie do catch us up when you're released?" You shout back, winking at him.

He chuckles to himself as he buries his face his hands. As you leave you glance back and see them having a very animated and passionate discussion, which ends with Howard leaving her behind... "we're done Peggy. You went too far."

You can't help but smile and Steve nudges you.

"You gonna tell him now?"

"Not yet." You focus your attention back to Steve and smile. "As I said to Peggy, this is time sensitive and more important than anything else" You say holding up the folder for Bucky.

"You don't have to do this you know?" Steve furrows his brows slightly.

You gently place your hand on his arm and smile wholeheartedly "I want to, besides, he's your bestfriend. I know you'd help me if my bestfriend needed help" You smirk and he returns it.

"What do I need help with?" Howard asks behind you.

"Nothing lucky charm, just reminding the Captain of the mission."

"In other words, you're saying you want to go on this mission, talking him out of a guilt trip he's on" Howard says crossing his arms.

"Okay, Okay no need to expose how well you know me" you chuckle and the boys laugh.

You all head out the lab and get finished getting everything ready to go.

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